Chapter 7

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The next morning, Syrina found herself curled up against Talon- her hand resting lightly on his chest. She could feel his heart beating steadily under her touch. She absentmindedly trailed her fingers across his stomach, feeling the smooth grooves of his torso. She noticed a small mark on his left pectoral. She thought it looked like the letters 'X' and 'P' joined together. The 'P' jutting right above the 'X'. She'd seen these symbols before; they were from the Greek alphabet. She scrutinized the mark again. It looked more like a birthmark rather than a tattoo.

She shifted to touch it just as she heard Talon shift a little. Her head was inclined slightly as she held her breath- awkwardly looming over him. He made drowsy noises as he subconsciously rolled over and threw an arm around her. She struggled to cut free from Talon's iron grip, but it was no use. She wriggled herself around in his grasp for a few moments before sighing hopelessly. With very much hesitation, she decided to yell for Aralt. She prayed relentlessly that he was already awake.

Merely two seconds ticked by before Aralt threw himself into the room. He came in with a loud crash; toppling over a large pile of blankets. He wrestled momentarily with the sheets before throwing them in a giant heap on the floor.

"Bitch," he muttered before shifting his gaze to the couple on the bed- Talon's large body had engulfed Syrina's tiny form completely. Aralt had a confused expression plastered on his face, and his hands were casually poised on his hips. He cocked an eyebrow and smirked. "You called me in here... to watch?"

Syrina struggled slightly under Talon's arm so she could speak. "Aralt," She breathed. "Get him off of me." Talon's arm had rested on her sternum; making it very difficult to breathe, much less speak.

Aralt laughed loudly,"Oh suck it up, Boo. He can't be that bad in bed." He stood there casually for a few moments before he heard small snores coming from his brother. "The fuck?" He blinked in astonishment before he understood. "Oh...And here I was thinking you two were getting weird with each other." He then moved quickly to haul his brother off of the fragile girl; heaving his brother to the other side of the bed.

Syrina rubbed her aching chest as she looked up at Aralt, who was now staring at her intently. He grimaced at her pain as he handed her a tube of muscle cream. "I don't know if this will do anything, but it should help a little."

She moved to grab the cream just as Aralt popped it open and rubbed some between his hands. "Where does it hurt?" He asked her. She fixed her eyes on him as he regarded the red marks on her clavicle. She felt her face get warm as she watched him apply the cool-hot liquid. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he did his work.

They then heard Talon murmuring beside her. Syrina felt the bed quake as his head shot up suddenly. "Oh. I didn't know there was a party in here," he said placidly.

Aralt screwed the cap onto the tube as he glanced at his brother. "Goodmorning, darling. Did you have a good sleep?" He cooed. Talon nodded lazily. "Well, you better. Because tonight is the night, brother!" Aralt joyously perked up before sprinting to his room and back. "Tonight is the night!" He yelled again.


They were now strapped in their gear and ready to head out the door. Syrina felt the fear spread through her eyes as she looked at Talon. She tried to find more ways to stall the boys, but only came up with one more solution that could work. 

"The weapons!" She piped suddenly. "You'll need them. Let's stop by my place first." The boys nodded before following her out the door. She took the route she had taken to get to the boys' apartment. They passed by the children's park and were now trailing down the street full of merchants. They turned sharply before crossing the bridge over the Thames. 

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