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Lightning flashed like an angry knife accross the sky of the usually quiet town of Virgefall. Thunder continued its noisy assault while heavy droplets of rain splashed against the asphalt. Who knew a night in the town of Virgefall could get as noisy as this. The little town was known for its quiet and secluded ways, not only in its people, but also in its weather and ambience.

The Virgefall Orphanage was a ramshackled wooden structure that stood in the dead centre of the town. One would imagine it to be encircled by noisy neighbourhoods and signs of urban settlement, but this particular building had a thicket of silent green surrounding it.

Not more than three kilometres away from the Virgefall Orphanage, lay a steep hill. The hill was the only topographical feature in the area that resembled nothing like a tree or plant. As the thunder and lightning boomed and flashed, a cloaked figure appeared on the crest of the hill. The dark figure looked sideways in uncertainty; and finally sprinted towards the broken building.

From outside, the Virgefall Orphanage looked so spooky, with cracks breaking through the wood, like skeletal fingers enclosing innocence. The roof stood above like a hood, adding to its freaky environment, yet shading the building like a dark protector. The Orphanage looked like any haunted mansion borrowed out of a horror story book, and the facade of this ramshackle exuded withered age spiked with a tinge of death, which proved to be a stark contrast to what the creaky windows exposed. Through the rain-streaked glass and flimsy curtains, warm and comforting lights flickered out the cold, and signs of life were prevalent. The windows showed long rooms with rows of beds against the opposite walls. Fast asleep in the wooden beds were the orphans, protected inside the shade and warmth of the building.

The man came running towards the Orphanage as though his life depended on it. Behind the hood that covered half his face, jet black locks of hair swept accross his forehead in a frenzy. His eyes were blue storms filled with fear, anxiety and concern. Hard lines of stress engraved his forehead and beneath the cloak was a muscular body enclosed in a crumpled white shirt and torn jeans. He was handsome beyond doubt, even in the weakened state he was in. However, his physical appearence was not as significant as what his calloused hands held.

Protectively cradled in the man's arms, was a tiny human form delicately shielded from the horrendous storm outside; his child. The little baby, barely a month old, was wrapped in a bundle of baby pink sheets, and snored against her father's hard chest. Occasionally, her tiny legs would give a tiny kick, or she would let out a whispery sigh; a tiny baby, oblivious to the harms and miseries of the world.

The man finally approached the Orphanage, gently placed his daughter by the door of the mansion-like ramshackle and away from the uneventful storm. He carefully tucked a letter behind the fragile arms of his baby, and gazed at the tiny human form.

Never had he ever imagined of a day such as this one, when he would have to lose his dearest ones. What had he done to deserve this misery? Above all, what had his daughter done to end up parentless? It was life, and life is one cruel monster.

Not more than a few seconds after drinking the sight of his beloved child, he heard a deep rumbling sound emerging from the thicket of forest in the distance. He knew that his time was up. He had done his part, and had brought his daughter to safety. He fulfilled his promise.

The man took one last glance at his peaceful daughter, and his eyes were suddenly welled with tears. "I'm sorry, Pearl," his voice strained.

A stray tear escaped his eye and landed on the rosy cheeks of the little baby. By the time she opened her sea blue eyes, her father had been sucked away.


Hey fellow wattpaders, so this is my first novel ever. Feel free to comment and give your opinions. Also, since the book is at its infant stages, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the characters and who could represent the characters. Give me your reviews so that I can mould my next chapters on them, and be encouraged to write further.

Love and Hugs,


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