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     Taeyang had planned on doing more than just laying around all day, but by the time they had finished the movie they had put on, Youngkyun was fast asleep in his arms. He looked at the younger boy. His lips were slightly parted and his hair was a mess. He was the most beautiful person the older had ever seen. Taeyang brushed it out of the way and pressed a kiss to his forehead. Youngkyun stirred slightly and moved closer to the older. Taeyang laughed at the younger boy's action and began to run his fingers through his hair. Youngkyun smiled and slowly opened his eyes.

     "What time is it? How long have I been asleep? I'm sorry. I probably ruined all of your plans, didn't I?" He asked, his voice a little rough with sleep. Taeyang smiled and continued to wind the soft strands around his fingers.

     "I'm here with you. That's all I could ever ask for. Are you hungry? We could order a pizza or we could go out. It's up to you. I want to make your last day special." Taeyang hummed out before pressing another kiss onto the boy's forehead.

     "You make it sound like it's the last time you'll ever see me."

     "Dear, it very well could be."

     "You know I won't let that happen. No one else puts up with me like you do." Youngkyun said through giggles before sitting up and getting off of the bed. "Now c'mon. Let's get some food. You must be hungry. I don't know how long you were watching me sleep. So creepy."

     Taeyang laughed and got up as well. "Can I not simply admire an angel like you?" He watched as Youngkyun quickly turned his head away, most likely trying to hide his blush. Taeyang walked over to him and wrapped his arms around his waist, laying his head on his shoulder, pressing a kiss to his neck. "You're so beautiful."

     "Let's go. Does pizza sound good?" Youngkyun rushed out as he escaped the other's hold. His smile was bright and his cheeks were a rosy pink. Taeyang laughed and grabbed his hand before stepping into the small hall. They stopped when they reached the door.

     "We're going out to eat!" He shouted at his friends who were currently in the living room.

     "We who?" Dawon screeched back at him.

     "My boyfriend and I!" Taeyang shouted back, holding up their intertwined hands even though there was no way for the others to see them.

     "Jeez, dude! This is getting sad! Just go out and have your lonely lunch! You don't need to lie to us!" He yelled. Taeyang scoffed and looked at Youngkyun who was trying to hold in a laugh.

     "Screw those guys. Shall we?" Taeyang asked as he pulled the door open.


     "How has work been?" Youngkyun asked after swallowing the pizza he had stuffed in his mouth. They had driven around for nearly a half an hour before finally deciding on a place to eat. By the time they sat down, they were both starving.

     "It's been pretty good. The kids are great. Some are pretty clumsy but most are getting along quite well." Taeyang beamed before taking a bite of his own slice. Youngkyun smiled.

     "I'll have to visit the studio next time I'm in town. I'd love to see you dance. You're never quite as happy as when you're telling me about your work." He hummed out.

     "Darling, that's because of the you part, not the work part." Taeyang added with a laugh. "But I definitely want you to come by sometime. I'm sure the kids would love you. It's quite hard not to."

     "You are such a dork. What is it like? Teaching the kids?" Youngkyun asked. 

     "It's very nice. They're all so sweet and seem to have a lot of passion for dancing. It's nice, you know? There's no point in trying to teach if your students don't want to learn." He replied. "Enough about me. How is work for you?"

     Youngkyun was shocked to have the subject turned to him so quickly. Usually Taeyang would talk for hours about these things and Youngkyun would happily listen. What made his boyfriend happy made him happy.

     "It's been alright. My parents keep trying to bring up the topic of me taking over the store. I'm not sure if I want to yet. I don't want the family to lose it, but I don't think they'd be so willing to give it to Jungah. I certainly can't run my own market. At least not yet, and not alone." He sighed out. Just thinking about it began to stress him out. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. When he opened his eyes again, Taeyang was looking at him with a slightly worried expression. "I'm sorry, I just-"

     "Tell them that. Tell them you aren't feeling very confident about it. Tell them what you just told me. Maybe you and your sister could co-run it. And, hey, I believe in you. You don't give yourself enough credit sometimes." Taeyang said before shooting the other an apologetic smile.

     "Thank you. You should come visit sometime. They keep asking about you. They go on and on about how they can't wait to see you again. It's like they miss you more than I do." Youngkyun said and giggled a bit.

     "Is that so?"

     "Oh, please. No one could possibly miss you more than I do when you're away. What am I without my sunshine?" It was Taeyang's turn to blush at this. He looked down at his plate and sighed.

     "I really don't deserve you." He added quietly, only to receive a smack on the arm.

     "Oh, shut it. Did you not hear what I just said. It's like-" Youngkyun stopped mid sentence and shook his head. "Never mind."

     Taeyang raised an eyebrow. "It's like what?"

     "Nothing. I was going to say something really cheesy but that's your thing. It doesn't seem like me." Youngkyun said, trying to brush it off like it was nothing. Even so, the thought kept repeating in his head.

     It's like you complete me.


word count: 1030 

hello, friends. i'm sorry i've been missing for nearly a month. for a little while i wasn't in the best state of mind and struggled to write at all but hopefully now i'm back. please forgive me if i disappear for extended periods of time. i won't be giving up on this story and i would tell you if i was. i want to be able to give you chapters that i can proud of and that i hope you'll enjoy.

in other news i went to a long time friend's concert and got very excited about writing this chapter. i hope you guys like it.

** i fixed something small so it'll make more since with the next chapter


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