Cookouts and Contracts

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Author's Note: Thank you all for all of the votes, and comments, and over 500 reads! I'm glad you all are enjoying reading :) The cookout in this chapter was inspired by a video I found on youtube a couple of months ago. It's a bit long (around 20 minutes), but you may like to check it out:


"Oh, good you made it, honey. I was worried when you missed the surprise welcome," My mom smiled wide and hugged me as I arrived to the New Kids on the Block Surprise Cookout party. "I've missed you and Jon so much."

I hugged her close as I looked through the sea of familiar faces of friends and family to try to find Lia. I felt a tug at my heart as I realized that she'd obviously had a hand in bringing all of the people that the other guys and I cared about most to one event. It was rare that I got to see everyone.

"I lost track of time," I explained as I kissed the top of my mom's head.

I'd spent nearly thirty minutes staring at the t-shirt Lia had thrown at me and contemplating whether I should go and another hour trying to figure out exactly which park was the one where the cookout was being hosted. My pride kept me from calling anyone to ask.

"Well Jon already introduced me to Lia," Mom's smile grew. "I can see why you fell for her, she's a sweetheart."

"She's here?" I asked.

"Of course, why wouldn't she be?" Mom looked confused, but a knowing look settled on my father's face.

"Let me guess, you two had a lovers' quarrel?"

I nodded, dejectedly.

"What did you do to her?" Jon's eyes flashed at me.

Out of our family, Jon and I were the youngest, but Jon was the oldest of the New Kids. He had quickly taken on the big brother role for the group and that extended to his relationship with Lia. Usually, it seemed he and Donnie were quicker to come to her defense than mine.

"I didn't do anything to her, per se."

"Per se? Then, what did you say to her?" he continued. "She seemed off when we were talking."

"Ah whatever it is, just kiss and make-up. You're young, the relationship's still new, she can't be mad at you forever," My dad placed his hand on my shoulder. "She's pregnant and her hormones are everywhere, all she wants to hear is you love her."

Mom made a face at the mention of Lia being pregnant.

When I'd told her about the pregnancy during my visit to her house, she hadn't been too happy about the fact that I was having her grandchild with someone that she'd never met, but she believed babies were a gift from heaven and that we couldn't complain about gifts.

"You two need to get on one accord, Jordan. If you brush things under the rug, they just collect and come out later when someone steps too hard. You don't want that," She advised as she pulled out a picnic blanket. I caught the secret glance between my divorced parents. "For the baby's sake, at least. Babies need stability."

"Besides, do you really want to leave her for the tour tomorrow with problems hanging over you?" Jon bit into an apple.

The tour.

I felt a knot in my stomach at the thought of how I could possibly give Lia or the baby stability while touring the world.

Last minute, Maurice, Annette, and our management team had decided that it'd be a good idea to head out on the road again to keep the momentum of our success going and detract from the hoopla that surrounded the news that one of the New Kids was off the market. I didn't want to go, I wanted to stay home with Lia.

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