Loves and Losses

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Warning: This chapter contains sensitive content.


"What time is it?" I groaned as I opened my hotel door and Bethany hurried inside.

She had a big grin on her face, "I got the reservation!"

"What?" I rubbed my eyes tiredly and peered at the clock that read 6 AM.

Jordan and I hadn't gotten back to the hotel until late and I'd found that sleeping in a hotel with fans screaming outside was not an easy task. Jordan had decided to go down and talk to them with hopes they'd promise to settle down, but one glimpse at him had just taken the screeches to another level.

"The reservation for the little restaurant downstairs. I figured since none of us can go out on a real date with all the fans outside, we can reserve the whole restaurant and have some private time together. Also, we can do a little matchmaking with Joey and Amy," she beamed.

"I don't know," I ran my fingers through my tangled hair and slouched onto the couch. I was beyond tired.

"I think it's a great idea," Jordan padded into the kitchen area and grabbed the coffee pot to pour himself a mug. He offered a cup to Bethany and she accepted. "I don't think we've ever been on a real date, babe."

I tried to think back, almost positive we'd been on at least one date, but I quickly realized we hadn't. We'd talked and hung out as a group with Beth and the guys, but Jordan and I'd never gone out on an official date. We'd gotten to know each other from living together and basically playing husband and wife. We'd become lovers so soon that dating had never crossed my mind.

"Really?" Bethany was incredulous.

"Everything just happened so fast. We got married the first night we spent together," Jordan chuckled.

"True," Bethany nodded. "Well, then we have to do this tonight after rehearsal. You and I will get Amy and go shopping today!"

I knew Bethany well enough to know there was no turning back now. She had event planning and fashion in her blood.

"Alright," I agreed and gave in.

"Perfect," she grinned. "I'm going to get dressed, eat breakfast, see Danny off, call Amy, and I'll be back."

I snuggled down into the couch as she ran off.

"Sleepy?" Jordan asked as he picked up the phone and dialed room service.

I nodded.

"Why don't you head back to bed? It'll take her a while to do all of that."

"Not Beth," I shook my head. "She's an energizer bunny."

I trudged into the bathroom and got dressed. I decided since we were going shopping, I'd put in some effort and dress nicely for a change. I pulled on a cute, frilly red top that hid my small baby bump and a pair of jeans that were starting to get a little tight, but they accentuated my limited curves. I hung Jordan's wedding necklace around my neck and placed silver hoops in my ears. To complete the outfit, I slipped my feet into a pair of shiny silver flats and pulled a straightener through my curly hair. For makeup, I picked a shimmery eye shadow and curled my eyelashes before adding mascara. I applied blush to my cheeks and began finishing the look with red lipstick when I heard a low whistle.

I looked in the mirror to see Jordan dressed and leaning on the doorframe.

I blushed.


"You look sexy in red," he winked and I giggled. "You're killin' me, darlin'."

"Yeah right," I rolled my eyes playfully as he came up behind me and kissed my cheek.

Perfect (Jordan Knight/NKOTB fanfic, Liadan #1)Where stories live. Discover now