Chapter 28

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Heyyy guysss,

Sorry i havent posted in a while. Been on holidays and im too lazy hahahaha

This chapter changes POV's a bit so be careful.

Ummm yeah enjoy :)

Please comment vote all that stuff


Chapter 28

~ Alannah's POV ~

2 days Later...

"i's been two days since 'it' happened. We have to get her outside the house" i whispered to Liam, Natt and Harry. Eliza was still asleep upstairs. Yesterday and the day before that consisted of watching Titanic, Annie and 27 Dresses 10 times each!! I love Eliza and all but i love Eliza more when she was with Louis. They completed each other, they were perfect. "What about we do a triple date" Harry said wiggling his eyebrows smirking, "actually Styles that might not be a bad idea..." i said. "We can go to the movies, i'll tell Louis it will be just us and not mention Eliza and you say the same thing to Eliza" Liam said trying to hold back a grin. "This will be perfect!" Natt said squealing, "Shhhh!!" Harry, Liam and i said. "Lou hasn't talked to anyone, not even me! He is like a zombie i am telling you...he is freaking me out!!" Harry said pulling a funny face "Okay so the plan is tomorrow us 4 and Louis and Eliza will go to the movies and they will talk and say sorry and then they will get together, yes?" i asked in our little huddle. Everyone nodded. I heard some footsteps coming from upstairs "Shhh she's coming" Natt said as we all went into positions to not be suspicious. Eliza turned the corner and entered the living room, she barely even noticed Harry was there. Liam and i were sitting on the stools at the kitchen bench and Natt was sitting on Harry's on the small sofa. "Hey guys" Eliza said sleepily and opened the fridge, she grabbed a juice box and walked over to where Liam and i were. "Hey um Eliza do you want to come to the movies tomorrow with us?" I asked shooting everyone a quick glance, "is he going to be there?" Eliza asked narrowing her eyes when she said 'he'. I shuffled in my seat uncomfortably "Uh n-no" i said avoiding eye contact. Okay so maybe i wasn't the best liar. "I don't know if i can be around couples y'know" Eliza said shrugging. I sent an alarmed look to Liam, Natt decided to step in and rescue me. "Come on Eliza it will be good for you, pleaseeee" Natt pleaded. Eliza rolled her eyes and gave in, "Fine" she said tutting. She grabbed her juice box and walked back upstairs. I turned to Liam, Natt and Harry fist pumping. Hopefully this would go to plan...

* * * *

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, i pulled out my iPhone and looked at the screen

1 new text from: Curly Styles :)

Hey Alannah its Haz, just letting you know tomorrow is still on :) took a bit of persuading but i finally got Lou to agree!! He doesnt know Eliza is going to be there....should be fun. Love ya :) xxx

I smiled, yes! Our plan was still going to go ahead. I quickly replied saying:

Great to here!! Make sure you wear clothes tomorrow Styles, don't want you getting arrested ;) meet at 11 outside the cinemas. Cya then :) xoxo

I slipped my phone back into my pocket and focused my attention back on the boring meeting i had somehow got stuck in, at least i had tomorrow to look forward to!

* * *

~ Eliza's POV ~

"i'm COMING!! Give me 5 minutes jeez you impatient people" i shook my head letting out a small laugh as i applied some lipgloss to my lips. I assessed myself up and down, whether i was going out with friends or rich people i had to look good no matter what. I was wearing a strapless peach colour dress with a denim jacket and my wedge booties. I had half my hair tied up and the other half fell just above my shoulders. I put my purse in my bag and jogged down stairs. Alannah, Liam and Natt were waiting impatiently. Natt was wearing her ripped jeans and a cute jumper with flats, while Alannah was wearing her colored jeans with a t-shirt and her leather jacket. "Should we go now?!" i asked smirking, "Yes please! For crying out loud lets go" Natt said throwing her hands up in frustration. I laughed and followed Alannah, Liam and Natt to Liam's car. I guess a day out with my friends couldn't hurt, i'm not going to let Louis fucking Tomlinson ruin my life. I was strong, i could get over him.

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