Run Back To You (part 1)

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Jessee. Jessee Kendrick. Jessee Williams? Now I sound like a girl. Only girls see if their name goes with their crushes last name. Well, technically, I put my last name with her first. Therefore, it was manly. I'm so stupid. Mario, you're a twenty-two year old man and your acting like a twelve year girl. Just be a man and go up to her. But what if she doesn't like me back? She probably won't. She is moving to the other side of the world in a month. I wish she wasn't, so I could possibly make her one if the happiest women in the world. Wow, that was cheesy. Great, now I'm stupid and cheesy. Should I get a therapist? I probably will when she leaves. I think I'll go crazy. Wait, am I already crazy? I probably am.

He keeps staring at me. I can't decide if I hate it or I'm flattered by it. I mean, it's creepy to just stare at someone, but the look in his eyes tell me he isn't trying to be creepy. I see him everyday and I'm usually the one to wait on him he is really sweet and flirtatious. I can deal with that. To be quite honest, I think I've started to like him. However, I'm moving soon because of some family reasons, so it's not worth it. Well, at least I don't think it is. I doubt he actually likes me anyways. He probably just want a hook up. Which I cannot deal with. I have always had to deal with that from almost every guy I have met. That's exactly why I haven't had a boyfriend for four years. I refuse to go or do anything with a guy like that.

Gosh I'm gonna look really dumb for doing this but I can't let her go without at getting to know her better. I'm probably going to stutter and ramble through this and make look like I'm confessing my love for her. I don't LOVE her. At least I don't think so. I just have a school kind of crush in her. I'm not even up for "hooking up" and then never talking to her again. I've never been like that to any girl. Well, I've never had a girl really so I never had that chance. Either way I don't like to hurt people so that's not happening. Ok, her shift just ended (hey we talk a lot and she told me her schedule, no creepo I promise) and this is my time to try to shine. I'm pathetic I know... Don't judge. "H-hey Jessee. Um... so uh... how was work?" Way to start the conversation you dope.

"Oh, hey Mario! My shift went well. Only a few assholes today haha!"

"Ha we that's good. I don't think you should have to deal with them though. I-if you w-wanted I could take c-care of them for y-you?"

"You know Mario you're really sweet! However, I don't think my boss would like it very much if you were to pummel his customers. Thanks for the offer though!"

"Oh, ok. Well wait, I actually had something I wanted to ask you."

"Ok well go ahead. In all ears!"

"Right ok." Here goes nothing, "um, wouldyouwanttogoonadatewithme? Maybe?"

"What? Dear I didn't understand a word you just said?" Really you had to go with the 'dear' thing?!

"We'll, I asked if you wanted to go in a date with me, but I understand if you're already taken or you jus don't like me so ill just go and-"

"Mario, stop rambling for one, and secondly, why wouldn't I like you. Heck you're really sweet and I think nervousness looks good on guys. It shows that they actually mean what they are trying so hard to say."

"Well I tried not to be this nervous. I feel like I'm going to sweat through this thick coat."

"Well you see! That I just find adorable. Anyway, I would love to go on a date with you! When shall it be planned?"

"Um, does tomorrow at seven sound good to you?"

"Why yes it does. Now if you'll excuse me dear man, I need to go hit the sack cause I am tuckered out!"

"Yeah I'm positive I like you now."

"What?" Shit I said that out loud. Well I don't think she actually heard it so I'm safe.

"Oh um, nothing. Just making a mental note to... um, clean my dog before tomorrow night!" What the hell is wrong with me!

"Yeah ok. Well like I said I'm really tired so goodnight." And now she thinks I'm strange.

"Yeah um, night." I really need to work on not saying all my thoughts.

Yeah I know what he said. He likes me now. Honestly after I said the weird shit I did I was scared he thought I was to strange. I guess he likes strange. Well works for me! 'But you said you weren't going to go out with him cause you're moving'. I really wish my brain would shut up sometimes. I know what I said but I thinks he's cute and what's the harm of one date? He seems nice enough.

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