So someone asked for a little nalya...

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PSA: I don't remember half the shit that went down in the fanfic you just finished reading so this will probably be a oneshot

Alya's POV

I was watching from behind a plant, making sure Mari didn't screw up her chance with Adrien, when, out of nowhere, I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey, Alya, what're you doing? If you're hiding so you don't get picked, I know you're here, so mission not accomplished." Teased Nino. I swear that boy never knows when to be quiet.

"Hush! I'm watching love blossom. Something you wouldn't know anything about!"

"Hey, I'm pretty good at love and romance! I have so many songs I could play that are full of love!"

"Haha, I doubt those songs are giving you any information. Prove that you're so well-versed in it and we'll see."

"Fine." He walked away.

"I knew he didn't know anything. Boom I win, back to watching Adrienette shenanigans!" I watched as Marinette slapped the drink out of Adrien's hand. "I have no idea what she was trying to do there, but it obviously did not work. I love that girl!" I sigh as I start scrolling through my phone, knowing nothing interesting is going to happen for at least another ten minutes. "Maybe I should go find Nino? He's not with the group..."

I get up from my hiding spot and walk towards the guest room, on the hunt for Nino. As I turn the corner, I notice a faint smell of...pomegranate? "What is that?" I whisper. I keep walking, and it's a candle? Weird. What's all this on the floor? Are these rose petals? Who put them here? If this is Kim and Alex, gross—I hope I don't walk in on anything.

"Who's there?" I hear Nino's voice in the room.

"It's Alya, what the heck are you doing, Nino?" I walk into the room, and it's decorated like Valentine's Day threw up, ate it, and threw it up again.

"Uhh, hey, Alya, does this prove you wrong?" I look around at all the decorations in awe.

"How in the world did you get all of this so quickly? It's been like 5 minutes!"

"I guess I'm just prepared? I'm glad it was you though. Anyone else and it would have been hard to explain. But seriously, is this romantic enough?"

"Yeah, it's not half bad, I'm surprised you had it in you! This is actually really nice!" I'm almost nervous to be talking to him right now! I know it's not technically "for" me, but in a way it is, right? Jeez, this is sorta making me look at him differently...

"Awesome! I was worried you wouldn't like it!"

"Ha yeah, no problem, Nino buddy. I got your back!" I had no idea what to say.

"So, wouldn't want this to go to waste right?"


"I mean I bought all of this food and stuff, why not enjoy it? Especially with you?"

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"Maybe...Alya Césaire, will you go out with me?"

Yeah this continued to stay in my drafts for another 2 years whoops. Anyway here you go. Not my best work, but honestly none of this is. Ta-da.

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