It Started With the Dreams

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Hello, everyone, and thank you for checking out my newest fanfic. I've been meaning to test out some new writing styles and trying a different genre from what I'm used to. I'm mostly going to stick to the manga since the anime fillers serve little purpose for Nami's story, Hope you enjoy and feel free to critique.

"What's wrong? Why won't you talk to me?"

"I can't stay here any longer. I have to leave the village."

"What are you saying!? You're not making any sense! What about your family and... Is that... blood? Why are you covered in blood!?"

"There's no time for me to explain, I have to go."

"Why do you have to go? Can't you just tell me what the hell's going on? I thought we could trust each other with our problems. Are your burdens not my own? ... Answer me, dammit! Do you... not care about me?"

"Just stop! Forgive me, but you have to just forget!

I bolted awake from my sleep, drenched in sweat and gasping for air. Those terrifying eyes had forced me awake and seemed to burn into my mind, that it was perhaps several minutes before I finally calmed down enough that I could breathe properly. When I turned to look at my clock, it read 3:27 AM. I didn't have to open the shop for another three and a half hours, but that dream had made sleep seem undesirable. Seeing that that was the case, I sighed heavily before getting out of bed and heading towards the bathroom.

Inside, I switched on the light -which blinded me briefly- before closing the door behind me. I peeled off my sticky nightshirt and turned to the shower, twisting the knobs. The old pipes moaned as water rushed through the shower head; I made a mental note to get that fixed. I didn't wait for the water to be fully heated before stepping in, the cool water somewhat soothing against my heated skin.

For a while, I just let the water run, trying to recall my dream. The details were fuzzy; all I truly remembered was that I was talking with someone. I couldn't see their face as it had been shrouded in darkness, but their voice seemed familiar - like a family member or friend's- yet I couldn't put a face or name to it. The only thing that remained perfectly clear was those eyes that had forced me awake. I had no memory of ever encountering someone with such cold eyes before; not from the academy, my short time as a ninja, or the regular customers in the shop.

I let out another heavy sigh and shook my head to clear it before reaching for the bottle of shampoo.

A half-hour later, I was sitting atop the roof of my apartment/bookshop, wearing a form-fitting black tank top and standard issue shinobi pants, a jacket way too big for me draped over my shoulders for warmth. As I had yet to do laundry that week, I resorted to going through clothes left behind by my parents, the smell of cigarettes on the jacket from my dad and flowery-scented detergent on the pants and tank from my mom. I guess I could have easily swapped out the jacket for a blanket, but wearing both of my parents' clothes together made it seem like they were sitting right there next to me, watching the quiet village.

It was hard to believe that nearly four years had already passed since they died when Orochimaru and The Hidden Sound Village attacked The Leaf during the Chūnin Exams. Dad had died trying to save Lord Third, while Mom lost her life protecting the younger children. Sometimes I wished that I had gone with them, but dwelling on the past would not bring me any better closure, even if it had meant that I may have joined them in the afterlife. I had come to terms with their deaths long ago, taking over the bookshop and reminding myself that they continued to live on inside me.

I smiled to myself as I took a sip of my tea and gazed at the village. All was peaceful and quiet; it was still far too early for any shopkeepers to start getting ready for the day, so the only movement in the village was a flickering street lamp here and there and the occasional stray cat darting from alley to alley. Though I couldn't see any from my vantage point, I knew that a few shinobi were without a doubt out on early morning patrol.

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