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A/N ok guys I would like to give a special thanks to @KristinaNRE for giving me inspiration for this chapter please go check her out and follow her and also follow me...because that's what papyrus would want.....ANYWHO enjoy this chapter fam 

3rd person pov

once they arrived to y/n's room she immediately regretted letting him in because it had been weeks since she cleaned it  but what she didn't realise was he was focused entirely on her because the only thing that mattered to him was her. y/n hadn't noticed his staring due to the fact that she was frantically trying to clean what she could. After she cleaned what she could before Damien said he didn't care about how clean her room was while and just started giggling at her frantic state. They decided to work on any homework they had actually y/n forced him to do any homework he had since she did hers on the bus. During this time y/n noticed that something seemed off with Damien but she didn't have the courage to question him on it because she didn't want to upset him. After Damien finished his homework he grew very bored so he decided to tease y/n a little since she was easy to mess with so he started biting her neck just hard enough for her to flinch a little and blush like crazy. Soon she couldn't handle it so she kissed him, it was a soft and loving little kiss and it was just enough to get him to blush and stop what he was doing. After a while of them just talking about random stuff like people at school and their home life Damien mentioned his dad wanting him to be the next king of hell, that's when y/n realized this had been what was bugging him and now that she knew she was gonna try to make him feel better just like he did whenever he was with her. "Why don't you wanna be the king of hell that sounds like a good thing" " I quess for other people it would be but i'm supposed to defy the authority and I can't do that if i am the authority" "oh I guess that would be difficult but you seem to like violence and you can cause a lot of it as a king" "yeah I could cause Violence! thanks for making me feel better about it but I'll never be king unless you be my queen" "o-oh u-uh I-I W-W-would l-like t-t-that" "GREAT! but I'm not gonna be king for a while so your gonna have to wait for me babe" his nickname for y/n caused her face to go to its maximum level of blush making it almost impossible for hr to respond with "I-i'll wait for you". Hearing this filled Damien with a feeling he couldn't explain but he knew it was good. After another few minutes of talking about life in general and Damiens successful attempts at making y/n blush he got bored so he decided to play a little game with her. "Hey let's play a game" "o-ok what do you wanna play" "let's play truth or dare but with a twist" Damien said with a sly grin plastered on his face "w-what's t-the t-t-twist" "if you don't do the dare or tell the truth you have to take off one piece of clothing" "w-w-what" "c'mooon it'll be fun" "0-ok" "YES let's play"

BOOM CLIFFHANGER BIOTCHES again shout out to @KritinaNREshe gave me the inspiration for this hope you enjoyed I stayed up till 5 IN THE MORNING to satisfy you but don't feel bad I was gonna stay up that late anyway i'll start posting more I promise I just got a ton of great ideas for the story as a matter of fact imma post the next chapter tomorrow to please you guys and gals.

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