Breakfast with her family

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3rd person pov 

y/n woke up feeling much warmer than when she usually wakes up so she curiously looked around her and immediately noticed someones bare red chest. As soon as she saw his muscular chest she bolted up and looked around to see where she was. It didn't take long before she remembered the night before and with those memories came the realization that she had no clothes on so she scrambled to her closet and threw on the only clean thing she had, an XL hoodie. 

It didn't take long for her to realize that she actually put on pajamas last night so that lead her to wonder why she woke up without any clothes (don't worry i swear it wasn't Damien...for now).  All the movement y/n made caused Damien to wake up but of course y/n was too busy rushing to put some clothes on to notice at first. "Hey where did your other clothes go" Damien said with curiosity "I-I don't know when I woke up they were gone" "Well I'm not complaining ;) )

Sooooo srry for the wait and the short chapter been super busy lately but I swear even if it costs my life I will have another normal sized chapter

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