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it's 1 am. i hear my parents fighting downstairs. i know i won't be able to fall asleep for awhile, so i grab my phone. i tap on the instagram app and scroll through my feed. i get a snapchat notification.

kenzie (kenzzieg) has added you as a friend!

i click on the notification and it opens snapchat. i add back the girl who added me and go to the chat part of the app.

johnny: who is this?

kenzie: i'm mackenzie.

johnny: how old r u?

kenzie: 16, u?

johnny: same.

kenzie: where r u from?

johnny: toronto, ontario

johnny: hbu?

kenzie: pittsburgh, pennsylvania

johnny: how come ur awake?

kenzie: insomnia. can't sleep. u?

johnny: parents r screaming at each other.

kenzie: ouch. mine were doing that a few years back. not a fun time.

johnny: that's true

kenzie: not to sound creepy but what do u look like lmao


kenzie: wowie

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kenzie: wowie

johnny: i know, gorgeous right?

kenzie: nah i've seen better

johnny: whateva now u


johnny: is that really u? i feel like i've seen that girl somewhere

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johnny: is that really u? i feel like i've seen that girl somewhere

kenzie: yep it's me lmao. you might've seen my sisters instagram. she's kinda famous.

johnny: what's her @ ?

kenzie: maddieziegler

johnny: k gotta blast i'll brb.

kenzie: okie dokie

i exit snapchat and head back to instagram. i search up 'maddieziegler' and tap on the first account that pops up. it's verified and has 11.7 million followers. i see a post that has the kenzie girl in it and tap on it. i click the tagged person and it comes up with 'kenzie'. she has 10.6 million followers and is also verified. i go back to snapchat.

johnny: jesus christ ur sister has 11 mil and u have 10 mil? how?

kenzie: we were in a show when we were younger, it wasn't a high point in my life, but i got a lot of those fans from it.

johnny: jesus i have like 400 followers.

kenzie: what's ur @

johnny: johnnyo

kenzie: k brb

i wait for a few minutes until i get an instagram notification.

Mackenzie Ziegler (kenzie) has followed you.

i follow her back.

johnny: how did u find my snapchat anyways

kenzie: idk it was in my quick add

johnny: okayy

kenzie: here's a question u have to answer if u wanna be my friend k?

johnny: who said we're friends?

kenzie: i did, now answer the question

johnny: what's the question!

kenzie: what's ur opinion on billie eilish?

johnny: who's dat

kenzie: I CANT EVEN

johnny: i'm just kidding i love her

kenzie: damn u almost gave me a heart attack

johnny: sorryyy 🤧

kenzie: wyd

johnny: listening to my parents yell at each other.

kenzie: ouch sorry. listen to music or something on ur headphones. that's what i did to drown it out.

johnny: my sister has my headphones

kenzie: ahh sisters. so annoying aren't they?

johnny: yep. she's only 3 minutes younger but has been annoying me since birth.

kenzie: ur twins?

johnny: yep.

kenzie: lucky. i wish i had a twin.

johnny: not at all she's crazy.

kenzie: haha

johnny: hows life for u rn

kenzie: it's ok

johnny: just ok?

kenzie: well my bf cheated on me with my bsf and my dad walked out on us last month.

johnny: i'm sorry kenzie. that's both really shitty.

kenzie: it's not ur fault

johnny: welp it's 6 am.

kenzie: oh god i didn't get any sleep and i have a photo shoot today smh

johnny: well u can always talk to me if u ever r awake at night bc i'm gonna be awake too

kenzie: thanks johnny. i'll be up too bc of insomnia

johnny: see ya tonight

kenzie: cya


pre- written on: june 19th, june 20th

published on: june 22nd

insomnia (jenzie)Where stories live. Discover now