I Need U

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The first thing Yoongi finds himself doing, and the first thing he realises he's aware of doing, is sitting on the end of the bed, flicking the lighter on and off in between his fingers, cautious of the stray hems on his pale blue jeans, white shirt tucked in messily on one side. The lighter is black, much like most of Yoongi's clothing in the house he no longer calls home. He wasn't happy anymore, and rarely was. Just looking at the jacket that Jungkook had left in his bedroom was horrible. It bought back memories of fists colliding with cheeks and blood painted their teeth. 

Jungkook let himself cry at every memory that passed through his brain, making him shiver when he heard himself laugh, or when he heard himself cry. It wasn't natural, but neither was he. It had all changed, the city, the people, the air, himself. Everything was changing, and there was nothing Jungkook could do about it. 

Jimin didn't care what temperature the bath was at, as long as it wasn't something he'd feel comfortable. He submerged himself in the freezing water, letting his skin feel the chilliness and letting it raise Goosebumps on his arms and legs. 

Yoongi flicked the lighter more in one minute than in his entire life. He drops the object when the flame gets to close to his fingers, then he raises his hands to his messy hair, pulling at the strands of pink as he falls back onto the uncomfortable white bed that he hadn't changed in forever.

Hoeseok studied his own reflection in the toothpaste stained mirror, noticing his tired eyes and ripped skin on and around his lips. Nothing he can do will erase the horrible dark mark under his eyes except from sleep, but sleep was the least of his worries. He puts more weight on his forearms and hands as he leans against the sink. He fumbles around until he finds the bottle of white tablets, looking at the packaging whilst knowing he can't do anything to himself. 

Seokjin finds himself in the same place as Yoongi, sat on his bed, looking at pretty much nothing as a thousand memoires flutter around his mind at the same time. In his hands are petals, from what he thinks are lilies, but he's not quite sure. He pushed himself up and kneels on the floor instead, letting the flower petals fall from his calloused hands and onto the hardwood floor 

Taehyung shoves the key into the lock and twists it, locking the door to the apartment he knows he won't be returning to in however long, no longer able to look at the girl he loves so much. He drags up his hood as he begins to walk down a walkway that connected all the apartment buildings together until he reaches the bottom and begins to walk to a place that he doesn't even know.

The seven walk together down the abandoned train tacks where they once played as kids. These were the moment when they were truly happy. Jimin gets on top of one of the carriages first, showing a quick way up to the others who are on their way up too.

Jungkook stops himself from crying as he walks down the empty path, waiting for anyone to appear, even if he doesn't know them. 

The seven find themselves sat on the roof of the carriage, each of them talking randomly about something or nothing. It's a quiet process, but soon they are all talking together, and laughing together. These were the moment when they were truly happy. 

Jungkook is still walking, pulling his hood up higher, trying to hide his face from anyone if they were to appear. So, maybe he doesn't want to see anyone.

The seven have jumped down now and have decided to go further into the cities abandoned areas, still walking along the train tracks. Jungkook's leading with Jimin, giggling about a joke they made about Namjoon earlier on, twisting the words and adding new ones to make it even funnier. These were the moments when they were truly happy. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2018 ⏰

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