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next day
council chambers

"Is anyone aware of why we have all been called to this meeting" asked Mebuki Haruno irritated that she had been called away on her day off. Read thinking of ways to get around laws so she could either get more money or cause problems for naruto.

Sakura did the same

At that moment the third hokage opened the door to the chambers and walked in alone as she had told naruto to wait until he was told to enter.

The moment he was seated he got comfortable in his chair as he looked over the room. On his right was the shinobi council with each of the heirs and heiress of each clan standing behind their parents the clan heads. The rookie's sensei's were standing next to the door he had just walked through. To his left were the arrogant bigo..... I mean civilian council and sakura. Finally right in front of him were the Elders Homura, Koharu, and Danzo. All three are ancient, arrogant, and power hungry; mostly Danzo though.

Hirashi saw Mebuki about to explode at the third and demand why they were here but he beat her to the punch and asked respectfully "Hokage-sama may I ask why we have been summoned and for what reason our children were to come with us?"

the third looked at Hirashi thankful he kept him from another headache caused by Sakura and het Howler monkey mother and said "There are a few reasons why everyone has been called" he stopped his to take a breath and was about to continue but was cut off by the previously mentioned howler monkey.

"WELL WHY DID YOU CALL US!" Screamed the evolved primates though everyone else was thinking otherwise while shaking their heads at her stupidity. sakura and her mother.

haurize turned her gaze at Mebuki and sakura glared before releasing a short burst of killer intent to shut them up along with the other idiots who had gained a little backbone and were about to join there in shouting.

haurizep still glaring at them said " we have a new ninja with some truly unique gifts joining our ranks and for the forbidan scroll insident"

That was Naruto's que as he decided to make a big entrance he used shadow cloak to apear in the middle of the room with the hood of said cloak over his head he walked over to the hokage turned towards the council before reaching for his hood and in one swift motion pulled the hood downand opening the cloak and showing him in a red short sleeve hooded shirt grey pants and black ninja sandals "Whtas up bitches"

The council room was silent it was more silent then it had ever been since it was created sadly all good things must come to an end as both sides of the council erupted into something or other the shinobi side burst out laughing at Naruto's sear audacity while the civilians roared in rage that naruto was even near them.

"Hokage-sama Why is HE here" protested a rather fat councilman

"YA get out of her boy!" yelled another council member

and another which marked his grave "JUST GO DIE DEMON!"

Everyone was shocked a civilian would so quickly forget that the hokage law was still in active. and he died as a card apeard in front of him with a skelintal figure in a back cloak hour glass in one hand and a syth in the other in a graveyard on a blood moon behind him giving a creepy glow that had the kanji for death on ot. They then turned towards Naruto and haurize.

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