Chapter 3 [Solo]

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The only thing that brought her back was the sound of a steady beep. Over, and over, and over again it echoed through her groggy mind. Bellamy followed it, but where the sound brought her back to, it was nothing she ever expected.

As soon as she was aware of her consciousness, the woman went to work evaluating her senses. Immediately she didn't recognize the smell of her environment, all she knew was that it was a hospital room of some type. She could smell the sterilization of the needles and whatever else they needed to use.

Without opening her eyes, bell assessed her injuries. First, she tested each one of her fingers. One by one she worked them, seeing there was no damage she moved her wrists, then her arm, then her shoulders all the way down to her toes. The only area she had a serious problem with was her waist line, the pain that surged from that area was incredible.

But, with the drugs mixed with pain in her system, the woman could barely remember what her last fucking name was.

So, opening her eyes, she let them adjust to the light before she went to her surroundings. Her previous estimate was right. It looked like some type of hospital room, but it wasn't a hospital room, it was a facility.

It was a secluded room, but she could hear footsteps passing back and forth by the door. Underneath, shadows of their feet travelled with them.

Get out.

Hearing the familiar voice in her head that she developed over her years of training, Miles kicked Off the blanket from her legs and sucked in a breath of air as her bare feet hit the cold floor beneath her.

Not allowing any more time to be waisted, she pulled the IV from her vein and unattached the monitors from her body. Instantly they started going off, and she knew that meant she didn't have much time.

So, gliding to the door, she stood at the opening waiting for the doctors to rush in like they normally did. Of course, they did, completely oblivious to the room around them.

It was one doctor followed by his nurses. Three total.

"What-where did she go?" The doctor hissed.

As he turned around though, he was too late. Miles already made her move.

She was out in the hallway, hand swiping a coat from the coat rack outside her room as well as a hat. Then, tucking her hands into her pocket, she moved quickly through the hallways trying to disguise her limp.

By now people had passed. Some sent her looks, but plenty of others just kept moving along.

It wasn't until she felt something twinge in her stomach that her legs started to burn. It told her that she needed to move faster, to get away.

Suddenly, a large group of guards rounded the corner. So, using the people in front of her as a shield, Bell quickly tucked into a small janitorial closet until they passed.

Once they did, she was on the move again.

The hallway was more aware now, and she looked back to see them all standing outside of her room. One happened to look at her at just the right time, her bare feet gave it away. "Hey!" He called pointing at her.

Taking off into a dead sprint, Bellamy finally rounded the corner of the long hallway and lost both the jacket and the hat. "Wait, please!" The guard called again.

She didn't wait to hear them though, not anymore.

At the end of the hallway she reached the stairs, and instead of taking them down, she took the railing. Her body glided down a few levels, then once she was to the ground floor she took off out the door driving her shoulder into it. There, more guards were waiting for her, but none of them had weapons.

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