Star Trek: Prototype

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"Hmmm... " Dr McCoy pondered what to do as he caught sight of Spock's somewhat smug face across the table.

The Vulcan spoke up. "Dr, are you going to make your move?"

The doctor looked up at him, grinning. "Yeah, I am. But these things need patience."

"Of course." Spock nodded, but wasn't really convinced.

McCoy decided to take his chances and moved his chess piece from the upper level to the level below it.

"Ah, that was not a wise move." Spock picked up his own chess piece and placed it next to McCoy's. "Checkmate."

"Ugh." He sighed. "Well, I'm much better at two dimensional chess!"

Spock raised an eyebrow.

"Bridge to Mr Spock." The captain's voice came over the comm.

Spock walked over to the door, and flicked a switch, turning on his side of the channel. "Spock here, captain."

"Report to bridge. Kirk out." The channel turned off.

Spock stepped of the turbo lift and walked over to the captain's chair. "Captain?" He asked.

He rubbed his chin. "Ah, Mr Spock."

"I believe you wanted me." He prompted him.

"Yes, yes. Starfleet has contacted me, personally, asking that I and a few specially selected others form a landing party to beam down to Earth and analyse and record the temperate changes and atmospheric data."

He nodded. "Who do you advise forms the landing party?"

"Well, me, you of course, doctor McCoy, Scotty... "

Spock nodded again, slightly slower this time.

Kirk turned his attention the helm to see ensign Chekov working hard as usual; he remembers how the Russian officer had saved the ship only recently and added to his statement. And, ensign Chekov."

The landing party made their way to the transporter room, where the lieutenant soon beamed them down to the home planet of so many species.

"You look a bit chilly, Spock."

"I am quite alright, dr Mccoy."


"Keptin, vy are ve down here?"

"Just to collect planetary data."

The Russian looked slightly disappointed.

Kirk noticed his expression and reminded him. "I wouldn't pull that face if I were you, Chekov, not every officer gets to be in the landing party."

"Now, this is interesting." Scott spoke up.

"Yes, what?" Kirk walked over to him.

"There appears to be a medium sized object under the earth."

"It's probably just a worm." Kirk pointed out.

Scot shook his head. "No, sir. Look." He showed him his tricorder.

"Hmmm... It's definitely not a worm. I guess we'd better get digging."

"Couldn't ve just burn a hole in the ground vith our phasers?" Chekov suggested.

"A logical suggestion, ensign. However, as we do not know what the object is, we do not know what effect our phaser beams will have on it." The Vulcan added.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2014 ⏰

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