Day 2 part six

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As night went on, and the moon continued to rise higher in the sky, Chloe and I got ready. The party tonight was starting a little after eleven o'clock, and we spent hours getting ready. Shower and shaved, hair dried. Chloe curled her hair and put mine up into a high pony-tail. She sat me in a chair in her room and went to work , foundation, eyeliner, mascara, blush, and then the red lipstick. A classic black dress clung to my body, creating a woman out of thin air. I looked like my mother, the old photo graphs from her teenage years, the parties she went out to.

She was bigger than I was, not kept on a strict diet. She told me that when she was younger she was always worried about her weight. She thought she was too big, her hips too wide, her thighs too jiggly. She had a love hate relationship with food, she loved it, eating it cooking it, but she hate what it did with her body. My mother went though phases of eating disorders, not eating enough to eating too much. When she met and married my father, she was in the not eating enough phase, and slowly as their marriage went on she started eating more and more getting comfortable.  I never remember my mother being fat or any close to being obese, but she certainty  gained weight, needed weight that is.

I don't remember when but one day she basically stopped eating, one meal a day, maybe two if she felt she exercised enough.

"We need to go soon." Chloe stated snapping me out of my thoughts, she got changed into a stripped mini skirt and a black shirt, she looked beautiful. Her hair was shinny and she stood tall in her high heels. We left her house and went to her car, her parents didn't even question where we were going. They sat on the couch with their backs to us , and didn't say a word.

The drive was one filled with complaining, me and Chloe haven't talked in two days and it already seemed like her world is ending again. Her step mother did this, her father did this, her boyfriend did that and wants her to do that. Chloe hasn't had sex with him yet, she doesn't want to end up like her mother, pregnant at a young age. Even though Chloe's mom was pregnant at sixteen, her father was twenty four. Chloe has a fear Henry will leave her if she does get pregnant, or have sex with her and move on to another girl. She hasn't told me these things aloud yet but I can see it. She's jealous of every other girl, afraid they'll be better, she does enough activities in the sheet with Henry to keep him interested and satisfied. I don't think he'll leave her though, anyone could see the love in his eyes when he looks at Chloe. He loved watching her smile, he just stands there in awe of her, it's a magical thing to witness. Love, actual love. My father doesn't look at my mother like that, he barley notices her at times. 

Finally we edge closer to the house, it was on the outer edge of town a more industrial part of where I live. Working class families live here and work at the lumber mill, they usually keep to themselves. A few years ago the church bought a house and renovated it, hoping to make a youth center for the "endangered teens", nobody showed up and the house eventually was forgotten. Until someone decided to use it secretly for other ungodly purposes. Chloe pulls her car into a parking place behind an entre line of cars. The house is mostly quite, I guess they don't want to draw to much attention to them selves. The house itself is two floors , quite spacious compared to the other houses around. I don't recognize many people, Chloe said the other high school down the road uses it more than ours does.  But Henry and a group of his friends are here. There's two boys and three girls around him. 

"Of course he invites them, I swear they're always flirting." Chloe says as she drags me to the wall they are standing. 

"BABE! you've made it, here I got your drink." Henry says holding out a glass bottle for Chloe to take, at the mention of babe, Chloe instantly brightens. Although one of the girls in his group frowns a bit and takes a step back away from Henry. 

"Is that a Sinclair I see, how'd you manage that?" one of the boys says looking at me from head to toe. He's attractive, taller than me that's always hard to find. Most boys around my age are my hght or shorter than me. He has brown eyes and brown hair and wears black frame glasses, a good jaw, mother would aprove of him. 

"Yeah, she wanted to come out tonight, Rosalyn this is Jacob(the boy  who spoke), Aaron ( a smaller boy who wore a lettermans jacket), Tessa ( the girl who frowned ), Angela (a small asian girl who smiled nicely at me) , and finally Neva ( a red head who was more interested in her phone then anyone)." Chloe introduced me to everyone.

"it's nice to meet you all." I said smiling at them.

After that most of them went their seperate ways and started mingling with other people some were dancing, some were drinking. Outside i even found a couple who was kissing on a bench, who i later discoverd was Tessa and a random bloke she found. I was alone for a bout an hour wondering around. Chloe left me to be with Henry and I couldnt find them any where. I didn't drink anything from the kitchen,  I'm keeping to the water bottle I brought with me. 

"Hey Rosalyn, wanna play a game with us, we're going to be upstairs in the loft?" It was Angela smiling at me.

"Yeah sounds fun." 

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