Chapter 12

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First of all thank you all the readers i can't believe we already cross 1000+ readers so i can't express my happiness to you guys. Sorry for not updating from more than a week i was busy in my exams and i couldn't able to write anything but i promise this won't happen for long term. Now enjoy the story and please update me how you guys like it. thanks you once again.


Amanda Pov

"What the fuck you did?" she said to me in such an angry tone and left immediately from the library without glancing at me once.

I was so stunned by this kiss that my legs probably forget how to walk for a good few minutes. My body was frozen and I am not able to walk or move my body. I can still feel her breath on my face and warmth of her lips on my lips. Suddenly my legs start shaking and I sit on a nearby chair, damn it's good I was in the library otherwise I will be on the floor.

After few more minutes, I realized I was still stuck in that movement and my mind keeps thinking about Maaya only. I was touching my lips and I feel the sensation of her lips. Then I hear the loud alarm from college bell to indicate for first class, I grab my things and run for my class.

After reaching to my class I took my usual seat and settle down. Kate and Robin wave their hands to get my attention but I was so lost in my own thoughts I didn't wave them back. It was for only a second I guess and our lips just brush but it gives me such a sensation that I can't able to stop thinking about it. Someone shake my shoulder so hard that suddenly, I almost lost my balance from the chair. I slowly turn my neck to see who the person was when I realize it was Kate who is saying something to me but I didn't reply to her.

"Amanda, what is happening to you? Why are you not responding to me? Why didn't you come to canteen we all were waiting for you?" She said constantly with worried looks

"Oh, Kate what is your problem you almost shake me. I was thinking about something and I was busy so didn't come to canteen" I said harshly

Oh god, what the fucking problem with these morons, can't they understand I also need privacy and they don't own me so they better be in their limits. I hate them sometimes, they behave like idiots with me.

Our teacher came to our class but my mind drifts away to library incident only. I wasn't able to concentrate and I didn't understand any single word they were saying to us. I was so lost that when our teacher came to my seat I didn't see him. He clears his throat to get my attention and when I saw him my jaw drops with embarrassment. I saw everyone is staring at me with curiosity and I was not able to meet eyes with anyone. Kate and Robin are also looking at me with shock eyes. My teacher scold me for not paying attention and I said sorry politely, I never get scolded like this neither I get so much lost in my class. After my class gets finished, I run towards restroom to calm down myself.

Maaya Pov

After leaving the library I was so shocked that I couldn't able to stop thinking about it. When she was looking at me my heart pounding so fast that I couldn't able to breathe. This was so shocking and new to me that I couldn't stop thinking about it. Why the hell she was chasing me and following me? It's not like she suddenly got feelings for me because after spending so many days with her I can say that she is a stubborn and spoiled brat who used to treat people badly.

Suddenly after bullying me and treating me badly, she turns into so sweet person which is not usual at all. I went to the washroom as I was so shaken by this incident that I was not able to attend any class. She is not behaving badly with me at all, neither her friends bothering me. She also behaves well with me in store too and gives me that so sweet smile that no one can deny without melting. She keeps giving me looks like that she got something very precious. There is no doubt that Amanda is stunning and popular guy wants her, on the other hand, I was a total nerd with an average personality. Something is fishy but for the first time I can feel attraction towards Amanda and I couldn't able to deny to that. There is no doubt that she is not bad but there is something in her that no one can resist from her, not even me. When our lips brush with each other I saw her blushing like she actually likes it. Her smiles give me an instant sensation that I couldn't understand. Was I over thinking about it? Because there is not a hell chance that Amanda will like me at all. But I notice her when she looks at me, the whole time it was some instant attraction between both of us.

I think I was thinking a lot about this situation, probably it was just a movement or something else. Because as per my knowledge she never talks to any person like me and here I was thinking about like an attraction which is somehow bullshit. I should forget about this and move on for the god sake but I don't know how will I face her in the night? It's not like we never see each other at all. After all, she is my roommate but maybe she is also as embarrassed as me and doesn't want to talk about it. It's not like she will tell anyone about this incident to anyone. After all, she cares about her reputation and somehow it will ruin her reputation.

I hear loud bell rang which indicates that first period is already over at all. Shit, I spend my whole first period here, I should get going and attend my next class. So I pick my things and look at myself for the last time in the mirror. As I was about to open the door someone opens the door hard and I bump into with that person. We bump with each other so hard that I lost my balance we both drop on the floor. We both collide with each other badly and then I hear a very familiar voice screaming loudly and when I look at that person.

"It's her Amanda on top of me."  

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