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I stand up from the couch and walk towards them, stopping a few feet away.

"Uhh yeah we um-" Peter begins to stutter, but I put my hand up, motioning for him to stop.

"I know."

"Know what?" Sirius scratches his neck.

"I followed you."

The boys stand still and look at one another not sure what to say. I look over to Remus as he hangs his head in shame. I suddenly feel a pang of sadness for him.

"Naya you could've gotten hurt.." Remus begins but he's cut off as I pull him into a hug. His sad little face makes me just want to comfort him.

"You should have told me." I let go of him. "I wouldn't have told anyone nor judged you. You know me.."

"I know.. we were going to tell you soon. I just was scared of what you would think and didn't know when a good time was.."

"Remus I don't think of you any differently than I have before. Your still my brother" I smile.

"Now that I finally know though," I turn to the group. "I want to hear everything.."

"What else is there to say?" James shrugs.

"Oh there's plenty.." I chuckle at his ignorance. "Prongs."


We stayed up for an solid hour talking about everything. I followed the boys to their dorm and made myself comfy under the sheets of Sirius's bed. We laid in the dark and the boys told me everything about Remus's condition, they referred to as "his fury little problem", and how it came to be. They also told me about them being animagi, to help him out so he didn't kill himself or someone else.

"Does Dumbledore know?" I ask.

"Er yeah actually.." Remus replies, "aside from you guys he's the only other one who knows"

"Yeah. He actually suggested Remus transform in the shrieking shack so he could start a rumour that it's haunted whenever people would here Moony howling so they'd stay away" Peter adds.

"Hm that's actually kinda clever" I pull at the blanket and scrunch some between my legs.

"Hey gimme some bloody blankets.." Sirius yanks at the fabric making me laugh. We go silent for a moment as I think about everything I've learned tonight. And then suddenly an idea pops into my head..

"So.. you said Moony was getting hard to control?"

"Yeah. We manage I suppose. Why?" James.

"What if I became an animagus too!" I whisper yell. "Then I could help and maybe it would be easier on everyone."

Sirius snorts at my idea.

"What's so funny.." I punch him in the arm.

"Nothing.. it's just an extremely hard process Doll. I'm not so sure-"

"Your not so sure I can do it?" I ask in mock offence.

"Now you've done it" Remus chuckles. "Sirius you ought to know by now she'll do anything to prove someone wrong.."

"He he he.." I rub my hands together and laugh evil like.

"Bloody hell.. fine. But you better be careful and do it properly. if done wrong you could seriously mess yourself up.." Sirius says, obviously bothered by my plan.

To Mend What's Broken // Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now