Crew busted into the room yet again waving a huge packet of asks and dares she got from her friends. The toons looked over and started to try and walk away. Kabuki and Adori closed to exits ahead of time so that the toons couldn't escape."That was a nice try but you should pay more attention," Adori looked over at the toons who were shooting the three non-toons a glare.
"Guys sit back down. Crew has more and we're not going anywhere until we finish all of the asks and dares," Kabuki laughed a little as the toons all sat down.
"Let's get this over with," Eri pulled out a cigarette and put it in her mouth.
Cuphead looked at her and put out his hand, "Nice try. Why did you steal those from me again?"
Eri sighed and handed over the smokes reluctantly.
"Alright the first dare is from a fellow person for Cuphead. Kabuki-Toon dares Cuphead to surprise hug Bendy and then kiss him," Crew giggled with her brother, Kabuki.
"Another dare where I have to kiss or touch Bendy? What the hell guys?" Cuphead complained as he blushed.
Cuphead went over into the other room and a minute later, snuck back and stood behind where Bendy was sitting. He grabbed Bendy and hugged him close. Bendy let out a squeak as he was lifted off the chair.
"Cuppy?! You scared m-" Bendy was cut off by Cup slamming his lips on Bendy's.
Kabuki and Crew started to take pictures of the two males kissing while squealing their hearts out. Cuphead and Bendy finally pulled away after three to four minutes passed. They panted and gasped, trying to get more air. Bendy looked at Cuphead and kissed him again. Cuphead looked at Bendy shocked but then started trying to get the smaller male's mouth open. Bendy opened his mouth hesitantly and Cup immediately shoved his tongue inside of Bendy's mouth. A laugh was heard and they pulled away, wiped away the saliva connecting their mouths, and looked over blushing.
"Get a room you two," Felix laughed.
"S-shut up Felix," Cuphead put Bendy down but stayed behind him despite the glares he was getting from Boris, who was right next to Bendy.
"Okay, let's go to our first ask today and it's from Kabuki-Toon again. She asks 'Hey Mug, Bendy, Cup, and Boris, ever went on a double date? If not would you want to?'" Crew finished.
"I've been on a double date before but that was when I was seventeen and dating Crayon. I think it was when Oswald and Felix were dating. So we all went on a double date," Cup stated while rubbing Bendy's horns, "I'm glad I'm not with Crayon anymore but I wish she didn't die."
"She was my little sister Cuppy, I miss her too. I've never been on a double date before and I don't care if I go on one," Bendy reached behind his head and slapped Cup's arm, "Cuppy please stop."
Boris looked over at Mugman, "I'm pretty sure neither of us have been on a double date. Right Muggy?"
"Oh, right. You're right Wolfie," Mug looked off to the side.
"Ok well another ask is from a person who emailed me since I told them what my gmail was on a different account. They asked, 'How many of you guys have dated someone? If so who and how many of you are married?'" Crew stated, looking at everyone.
"Like I said, I've dated Crayon in the past but she died. I'm not married or dating anyone but there is someone I want to ask out," Cuphead shrugged and went to sit back next to his younger twin.
"I've never dated anyone before," Mug grabbed the coffee next to him and took a sip.
"I've never dated anyone either," Bendy looked at Boris who was looking at Mugman with hearts in his eyes.
"Oh! Sorry I spaced out. I haven't dated anyone but I have a crush on a crush certain male," Boris sighed and looked at his feet.
"I'm like most of us, never dated anyone," Kabuki shrugged and giggled, "Now my bro is totally different. She has a boyfriend as of current."
"Kabuki! I could've told the readers that myself! Anyway, I am dating Adori right now and I've dated two other people. I don't speak of their names since we're very distant," Crew smiled but the smile wasn't visible since the blue-and-white bunny mask she wore covered her whole face.
Adori chuckled and looked over at the readers, "I haven't dated anyone except Crew really."
Crew went over and messed with Kabuki's fox mask. She then started to play with the dog mask Adori was wearing.
"I haven't dated anyone but Ari, who I'm married to," Eri laughed and pinched Ari's cheek.
"I'm like Eri, I haven't dated anyone but her," Ari put his hand on his wife's.
Felix stood up and stretched. Oswald grabbed his hips and pulled the tired cat onto his lap.
"OZZY?!" he shivered as Oswald licked the bite marks on Felix's neck.
"Please Ozzy please don't. The others are here," Oswald heard his wife plead so he stopped but kept him on his lap.
"I was married to Ortensia but she was the wrong choice. That's why I'm with Felix now," Oswald hugged Felix.
"I dated two girls before I dated Oswald. I was sad so I gave up on wanting to be his boyfriend so I dated Alex and Kitty but now I'm glad my dream of being with Ozzy came true," Felix rested his head on Oswald's chest.
"That's it for now. The rest of these papers are for a different book," Crew laughed.
"Please give us asks and dares and we'll see you next time!" everyone yelled.
By the way readers. You can email me at:
You can also check out me and Kabuki's deviant art.
Kabuki: Kabuki-Toon
Crew(me): BubbleteaTheGreat
Also if you like my writing be sure to check out my other book.
Bye my peeps x3

Ask/Dare BATIM and Cuphead
SonstigesHi guys this is my first book and it's asking and daring my Au of BATIM and Cuphead combined. The people in this book are listed below: Cuphead Isle Mugman Isle Bendy Create Boris Ink Felix Luck Oswald Rabbit Eri Luck Ari Trick Crew (me) Adori Vill...