Part 3 (Crew art: My AU Cup and Bends)

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Adori walks in with Crew to see the toons asleep on the couch. They laughed a little before Crew ran off and returned with some airhorns. She smiled at Adori before blasting them and yelling;

"WAKE UP FUCKERS," Crew laughed as they spun around to glare at Crew and Adori.

"Where's Kabuki?" Felix asked.

"My baby bro is in Japan again until the second," Crew smiled at Felix, who smiled back a little weirded out.

     "My baby bro is in Japan again until the second," Crew smiled at Felix, who smiled back a little weirded out

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"Hi Cherry! Nice to meet you!" Mug and Boris said in sync.

"Sup," Cup smiled at Cherry as Bendy dis the same.

"It's great to have someone new to meet," Felix chuckled and smiled.

"I hope we can be friends Cherry!" Crew cheered.

"Where are Eri and Ari?" Bendy asked Crew and Adori.

"They ditched Felix and went to Australia but they can still be in the asks or dares," Adori stated.

"I wanted to stay behind..." Felix shrugged.

Crew laughed, "Ask or Dare us! We'll see you next time!

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