But uh....

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Lunch was spent mostly plotting and trying to figure out possible outcomes and by the time it was over, Vicky was rather confident as she strode over to class. What? This was a school after all. Besides it might help keep her mind sharp....

Scratch that, if anything, she felt duller than ever, she was sleepy and her head was spinning with information that was infinitely less important than her plans. Too late now, that half hour or so they spent "lesson planning"? Useless. Thanks a lot education, you just ruined all of Vicky;s smooth moves by confusing her with these lessons.

Vicky was shuffling through her notes for a test that was apparently tomorrow when a voice behind her made her jump

"Hey Noob."

She yelped and dropped her flashcards as Damien approached her. Was this about the yaoi? Oh gosh it was wasn't it? Vicky closed her eyes and and held her breath as she braced to be torn limb from li-

"What are you doing? Never mind, listen, I need a mount for prom because walking is for losers."

Did... did he forget about the whole sketchpad incident? Never mind, she was still intact and that was a good thing.

"Erm... didn't you have a motorcycle?"

he looked at her as if she was crazy, why is everybody looking at her like that today? Damien's face broke out into a sudden grin

"It got confiscated after I ran it through a Sunday School picnic." his grin fell away as he seemed to get back to business "Anyway, I need a mount and I want the best creature in hell, if you don't suggest something awesome in the next ten seconds, I'm putting a bit in your mouth and riding you."

Vicky was fairly certain that even with her Frankenstrength, there was no way she could carry Damien to prom, and besides, she was going with Liam (sorta)! How could she do that if she was Damien's ride to prom?!

"Uh... um... he-hey! What about that huge, gelatinous, fifty nosed creature I saw at your house once? The one that tried to eat me and Brian?"

"......You mean the Cradle of Filth? Its not a creature, its actually what we used to replace the swimming pool. Although I could put it on wheels and arrive on it. Course I'd have to tell the administrator not to bring anything flammable... or wait... everything flammable!"

Damien seemed pretty pleased with himself, and, more importantly, pleased with Vicky, which meant she wouldn't have to spend all day picking herself up and sewing herself together! Or not today at least.

Regardless, she was tired, shaken, confused and excited all at once and felt like throwing up. Overall, Miss Schmidt was definitely ready to go home by now.

As her head hit the pillow, her last thought was something along the lines of:

"How the hell am I gonna pull this off?"

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