Chapter 1: Why Would They Lie?

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Third person Pov: 

The floating triangle looked down into the crib in his giant home, their lays his newborn son in his human form. Bill, the triangle, knew that this place was not safe for a baby, demon or not. He racked his brain on places he could put his son, without putting him in harms way. One person crossed his mind, Sixer also known as Stanford Pines. 

Bill pick up his kid and place a seal on his forehead, it's shape is the big dipper. It blocks off his powers until he's 16 years old in human years. Bill flew fast towards Ford and knocked on the door until he answered. 

He opened the door with a sharp "WHAT", it took him a second to process who was at his door, at this time of night. "Bill what are you doing here?" Ford was tired and not in the mood for a deal. 

"Sixer, I need your help. My demention is not safe for my son, I need you to take care of him and raise him until I can come get him please?" Bill was begging Ford, because he knew he would say no. 

He sighed and finally made up his mind, "I can't take care of him, but I know who can. I will send him over there and he'll be taken care of well."

Bill's eye smiled and a look of joy and relief was in it, "Oh thank you so much Ford." After Bill gave Alcor to him, he hugged Ford, making him all stiff and in shock.

"I'll be back for him, don't forget that. REMEMBER, REALITY IS AN ILLUSION, THE UNIVERSE IS A HOLOGRAM, BUY GOLD BYE!" And like that he's gone, Ford packed his car, called his nephew and was off. 

Time Skip to Three Days Before the Twins B-Day:

Ford looked at the calendar then remembered the promise he made to Bill all those years ago. He needed help on figuring out a way to keep Dipper with them and not hate him forever. He decided to tell Mabel and Stan. 

He headed upstairs and saw them all watching T.V, "Hey, Stan, Mabel can you come help me please. Dipper you need to stay here." 

Dipper was confused, Ford always went to him first, "Umm, Okay. I guess." They all walked outside, Mabel went last and didn't shut the door all the way and he walked over and pecked through and tried to be quiet.

"Grunkle Ford, why couldn't Dipper hear this? He's very smart." Mabel was getting upset and Stan nodded to agree with her. 

" It's because it's about him. Nobody, can talk about this to Dipper. Understand"  Stan and Mable looked at each other, then looked back at him and nodded. "Okay, years ago Bill came to me begging to me to care for his son, but I couldn't so I took the child to someone who had a daughter at the time. Mable, Dipper is Bills son."

Mabel had tears in her eyes, she could't believe it. It hurt her to know that she can't tell him the truth. "On your birthday he will come back and get him, so try to spend all the time you can with him. While I try to keep Bill away." 

They both nodded and started to head in, Dipper had to run upstairs to hide. He sat on his bed in disbelief, he is Bill Cipher's son and nobody was planning on telling him and that Bill didn't even know. The little trust he had in his family just broke, he's all on his own now. Why would they lie to me, I thought they loved me? 

When Mabel came up, breaking him from his thoughts wanting to hang out he told her that he was going for a walk in the woods, she tried to tag along, but he walked out before she could ask. It upset her a little and got her suspicious, but she just thought it was Dipper being Dipper. 

As soon as he could't see the shack anymore, he ran fast too where Gideon, first summoned Bill. Once he saw it in his sight, he was thankful he had matches on him. He lighted the candles, and chanted the incantation riangulum, entangulum. Meteforis dominus ventium. Meteforis venetisarium! egassem sdrawkcab! egassem sdrawkcab! egassem sdrawkcab! egassem sdrawkcab! egassem sdrawkcab!!!

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