Chapter 1

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The twenty year old girl ran towards the dock that was full of people and boats.  Her dress was riding up to her thighs and she knew she was flashing people from behind, but she had to hurry to the docking area.  Her brother was arriving and he promised new records.

People were crowding, waiting for friends and family to arrive off of the boat.  The girl tried to push her way to the front; sometimes stopping to stand on her tippy toes, looking for the ship.  When she got to the front of the line, the gray ship was coming in.  People were cheering and waving, calling to the passengers.  Michelle stood at her spot, holding it firmly against the excited bodies, wanting to be the first to see her brother.    

The ship was unloading and the gates opened.  Family met with other family members, couples hugged and kissed, friends laughed and patted each others backs.  But Michelle still couldn’t see her brother.  She pulled out the old pocket watch he gave her before he left, checking the time; three thirty.  The time he said the boat would come.  It did, but he was still nowhere to be seen.  

Just as Michelle turned, she ran into someone.

“Michelle!”  She knew it was her brother by that voice.    

“Walter!”  He picked her up high off the ground and spun her around.  When her feet hit the ground she gave Walter a kiss on the cheek.

“Where’s the record?” She asked, her arms still tight around the back of his neck.  

“The first thing you say to me after a long trip is ‘where’s the record’?  I would have expected a hello.”  Walter laughed, but he pulled the record out from his carry on bag.  Michelle took it with excitement and read who it was out loud.

“The Beatles.  Who’re they?”

“A band.  Not so popular here, but they’re all I heard while in Liverpool.  I even got to see them at the Cavern.  Remember that place?”

“God, I miss it all.”  Michelle smiled sadly.  “So they’re from Britain?”

“Liverpool, yeah.”  Walter put his arm around Michelle’s waist and they walked off.  “You’ll like them.  I hear they’re coming to the U.S. soon.”

“We should go home and listen to them.”

“After I eat.”


“Last night I said these words to my girl

I know you never even try, girl

C'mon (C'mon), c'mon (C'mon), c'mon (C'mon), c'mon (C'mon)

Please please me, whoa yeah, like I please you

You don't need me to show the way, love

Why do I always have to say "love"

C'mon (C'mon), c'mon (C'mon), c'mon (C'mon), c'mon (C'mon)

Please please me, whoa yeah, like I please you

I don't wanna sound complaining

But you know there's always rain in my heart (In my heart)

I do all the pleasing with you, it's so hard to reason

With you, whoa yeah, why do you make me blue

Last night I said these words to my girl

I know you never even try, girl

C'mon (C'mon), c'mon (C'mon), c'mon (C'mon), c'mon (C'mon)

Please please me, whoa yeah, like I please you

(Me) Whoa yeah, like I please you

(Me) Whoa yeah, like I please you”

By the end of the song, Michelle was bobbing her head along with the music and trying to sing  with the band and her brother.  

“Like it?” Walter asked when the song ended.

“Love it.”  Michelle smiled brightly.  “Who’s in the band?”

“I don’t really know their names.” Walter thought for a moment. “I know John and Ringo.  I only know John because he was talking to a friend I made, and Ringo is just a weird name.”

“Ringo is an amazing name.  I’d name my kid that.”  Michelle laughed.  “How many members are there?”

“Four.  All play an instrument.”  Walter got up.  “Well, I should get going.  Have to see mum and dad.”  Even though Walter and Michelle have spent a long time in America, their accents are still some what thick.  They said bye and Walter left Michelle to keep listening to the music.  


Michelle lay on her bed the rest of the night and replayed the record until she knew all the words to each song.  It made her miss Liverpool.  Her younger years that were full of freedom and running around wherever she wanted was gone.  Her home was such a nice place, she really missed it.  

“Paul.” Michelle muttered to herself.  She could only remember that little name of her old friend.  She hasn’t spoken to him since she moved.  And she did remember that they weren’t on the right of terms before she left.  She didn’t remember why though.  

A ringing made Michelle jump.  She fell off the bed onto her hands and knees and crawled to the telephone.  

“Hello?”  She was confused as to why someone would be calling at three in the morning.  

“Michelle, pack your bags.”  It was Walter.

“What?  Why?”

“You’re going to Liverpool.”


Hi! First story (on here, that is).  But that's obvious.  

How do you like it?  Is it okay? Good?  Horrible?  Ah, it's just the start, that doesn't give you much time to think.  

And if anyone can, I would greatly appreciate it if someone made me a cover for this.  I'd give you money and a hug, but that's impossible, so I guess I'll dedicate a chapter to you!

Okay, I'm done.  Bye! Love y'all!

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