Everything will gonna be alright

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The man who saved little Yun and Luchia was a man well-known to the world... his name Dracule Hawkeyes Mihawk. He had gave his word to Rose before she left that world... "he will save her son" and he did it. Mihawk took responsibility for both children. Yun because he was always keeping his word and Luchia because he loved and cared for his little sister.

Mihawk decided to stay all together in his castle in Kuraigana island, where nobody else dared step a foot onto, dark woods destroyed by war and only babbons (big monkey warrios) were livining around but they did not go near the castle because they were afraid of the man with the eyes of hawk.

When the three of them made the first step inside the castle and new house for the kids little Yun who was wearing a bandage around his right eye stopped and clench his small fists. 

Yun: Train me.

Μihawk turned and looked the boy.

Yun had tears rolling down his pale face and yelled.

Yun: Train me! Teach me how to be a strong swordmaster so I can protect everyone. I will not lose another person that I love!!!

Little Luchia was worried and tried to keep her tears. She was looking her big brother and waiting to see his reaction. She saw at the begging surpise and after a small smirk. The man had took interset on the boy. He believed into him and smiled.

Mihawk: Very well. Train will began tomorrow.

Yun turned his gaze up and smiled. He found hope in this dark world. He run and hugged Mihawk's legs and cried. The raven hair man didn't expect that but he knew that he had to do with kids. He knelt down and hugged Yun and Luchia run into the hug too. Mihawk held the two of them and promised them.

Everything will gonna be alright

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2018 ⏰

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