How it started

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It started when I was in fifth grade. When I began the year i was expecting it was going to be ama-zing but, boy was I wrong it was a nightmare. When my grades started to fall my parents took away my extra curricular activities a.k.a Martial arts. I felt down when one day I accidentally made the teacher mad and I got one of this scary warnings and (don't judge) I just wanted to die. So you know what they say it's better to write down you s feelings instead of bottling them up and I did. Once my suicide note was found and confiscated I was brought to the office to have this weird therapy session (I felt like I was on my period lol).
I felt utterly pathetic. The Dean of my school wanted me to stop these thoughts so, I did something I don't recommend I bottled up my feelings. I thought no one cared I was so wrong. A year passes and I still didn't tell anyone and I mean no one. I thought I was alone. I was so blind two angels broke my protective walls yes say there names are Star and Sun (Because my name is Moon). These two would wonder why I would always shut everyone out. One day Sun comes up to me and asks me "Why do you shut us out? We love you and you can come to us for anything" I eventually have in and told them. Once they saw how I feel Sun crowd and Star just stared in shock. We were silent until Sun spoke up and said "You can't kill yourself we need you, I need you !" I stared in utter shock because no one ever made me cry like I did then. I still suffer from depression but it's getting better I don't cut myself . -

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