Chapter One

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Tegan's P.O.V.

"Can we please, please, please, please, please, go to the football practice?" My Bestfriend Emily begged. Her boyfriend, Zach, played on the football team. I wouldn't have minded going to their practice with her but, the one person I dread the most is going to be there. Andrew Richards. Her seriously grinds my gears and I couldn't bare seeing him. everything about him annoys me. His smirk, how cocky he is, (even though if I were him, i'd be pretty cocky too) how popular and irrelevant he is. It all just annoys me.

"No." I responded simply. who wants to watch boys run around all sweaty and such while the school sluts drool over them? Not me. "Come on Te, you know how disappointed Zach will be if he doesn't see me in the bleachers watching him!" She cried, using her nickname for me. Emily and Zach are like the exact definition of "love struck," Emily is his number one fan. She goes to all his practices, all his games, and any other event he wants her to be at, without a doubt about it she'll be there. Don't get me wrong it's adorable to see, but when you're the Bestfriend who gets begged to tag along and be a third wheel, you start to think otherwise. "Please, Tegan, this'll be the last time I promise." She said that fifty promises ago. But there was no way she was going to stop begging until I caved. I heaved a sigh, and she squealed. As much as I hate being a third wheel, I'd do anything to make Emily happy. She grabbed ahold of my arm and dragged towards the football field. There were already girls in the bleachers chatting with their friends about who's hotter. Just as we were sitting down Emily spotted Zach. She stared at him to see if he'd notice, guess what? He noticed. he blew her a kiss then jogged away to be with the rest of the football field.

It's been two hours already and practice still isn't over. It would be coming to an end really soon. I hope. Emily and I chatted about random things like graduation, prom, and things like that. We were deep into our conversation when I saw Zach creeping up behind Emily. He put a finger up to his lips indicating he didn't want his presence to be known. My eyes kept shifting from Zach to Emily, I guess she didn't notice my eyes wandering behind her. I watched as Zach snakes his hands around her eyes. Her planted tiny kisses all over her face as she giggled. "Why are they so adorable?" I thought to myself. I sighed, I heaved another sigh when I saw Andrew walking up. what could he want? He and Zach did one of those guy hugs/handshakes and then the boys turned to face Emily and I. "Emily, Tegan." Andrew waved at Emily and nodded his head in my direction. I didn't respond, while Emily waved back.
I didn't want to be around Andrew, I had plans on leaving. I figured Emily was getting a ride from Zach like they always do. Just as I was getting up to leave, I was stopped dead in my tracks by a question, I never thought would have been asked.
"Tegan, could you, um, give me a ride?" I turned around to see Zach, Emily, and Andrew looking at me. I groaned inwardly, and responded, "I don't really want to."
"Oh come on, what girl in their right mind would pass up the opportunity of getting in a car, alone, with me?" He said pointing to himself. I rolled me eyes and began to walk away. I figured he caught me drift and realized I wasn't driving him home. I contained to walk until I reached my 2013 impala. To my surprise, Mr. Popular had followed me. I turned around just as he was approaching my car, "why are you following me?" I asked.
He shrugged, "because I need a ride home, and I'm not riding with the love birds." I groaned. I opened the care door and quickly got settled, before putting the key in the ignition. A tap on the window caused me to roll my eyes, and unwillingly unlock the passenger door. Andrew flashed his pearly whites at a group of girls who were hanging around the parking lot. They began to argue about who he smiled at and who Andrew liked best. "keep quiet, don't disturb me and this ride will go smoothly." I said as I pulled out of the parking lot.
"Why are you so mean to me?" He asked.
"Mean? please, this is just me being nice. if I were really a heartless bitch, I would have drove off and left you standing there like an ass." I replied. He simply chuckled at my response. I can't lie he is absolutely gorgeous. He had light brown hair that was tousled and messy, beautiful blue orbs, amazing muscles, a million dollar smile, a killer body, and chiseled features in all the right places. Who wouldn't think he is a work of art. kudos to his parents.
The rest of the ride to his house was silent.
When we finally arrived to his house- sorry, mansion, he gathered his things and headed inside. As he was getting out the car, I saw my dad's car in the driveway. That's strange. I parked my car, and followed Andrew inside.
"Why is my dad's car in your driveway?" I asked. "I wouldn't know, I just got the same time you did." He replied. He had a point. Just as I was about to ask another question, I heard laughing and glasses clinking.
"To marriage!" A familiar voice cheered. Whoever that is sounds a lot like my mom. I followed the voices, with Andrew at me heels, the voices led us into a kitchen, well Me into the kitchen, he probably knew where he was going. But anyway, when I entered the kitchen I saw my parents and who I'm guessing is Andrew's parents toasting wine. Nobody seemed to notice I was standing there.
I cleared my throat and all eyes were now on Andrew and I.
"Oh sweetheart, wha are you doing here?" My mom asked. She sounded a bit tipsy. "The real question is what are you doing here?" I shot back. My parents and Andrew's parents exchanged glances. Then they all smiled at each other. Weird. Maybe they were celebrating their marriages or something. "I'm glad that both of you are here, so this way we don't have to tell you separately." Andrew's mother beamed. "Tell us what separately?" Andrew asked. He sounded tired. Once again the room went silent. Our parents were beaming at us and it was starting to freak me out. "Tegan, Andrew, you two are getting married." His father said. I started to panic. "I can't get married, I'm only eighteen, who would I be getting married to? Why am I getting married to a guy I don't love." All of my questions seemed to be to myself than to my parents. My words sounded like a bunch of baby talk and jibber jabbed combined into one. My mind was racing my lips were moving a mile a minute. Andrew on the other stood there with a shocked expression on his face. I guess he couldn't believe it either. What would his friends think? The popular man whore has to settle down and commit to one woman? Just as I was in the middle of having a panic attack one question shot through my head like a bullet. I stopped dead in my tracks. Who am I getting married to?
"Who exactly am I getting married to?" My question awoke Andrew from his previous state. His attention was now on my mom.
"Were you not listening to what I had said before? Silly girl, you two are getting married to each other." She replied. My jaw dropped. I think Andrew's did the same. I can't do this. I can't take this. The only thing I could was run. Before I knew my legs were carrying me out to my car at the speed of lightening. I heard Andrew shouting my name but I couldn't bring myself to stop running. Once I got to my car, I fumbled with the keys and they fell on the ground.
"Damn it!" I cursed. By now tears were streaming down my fast and Andrew was running out to the car. I got the key in the keyhole and opened the door, but before I could get in Andrew closed it. He turned me around to face him. "Why the hell didn't you stop when I was calling you?" He questioned. I didn't answer. I didn't trust my voice, it would probably crack mid-sentence and I would break into sobs and began crying hysterically. Andrew was so close, I could feel his breath hitting my face with every pant. "I know there's probably no way in hell we're going to be able to get out of this. So let's just agree not to tell anybody about this unless we have to. Understand?" Great. Now he wanted to keep it a secret because It would hurt his reputation if he was seen with an unpopular person like me. Just as more tears began to roll down my cheeks, Andrew wiped them away. Since when is he sensitive? He gently tucked a piece of my brown hair behind my ear. "My good Tegan, I've never seen you cry before. So what I need you to do is stop crying, calm down, go home, and get some sleep, we have school tomorrow morning." He opened the car door for me and watched as I pulled off. Great. Mr. Popular saw me break down, you know what's even better? I have to marry him. Can't you just feel my excitement?

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