{last goodbye-part 2}

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quick a/n: i'm sorry this is 2 years late, i uninstalled wattpad from my phone and kinda gave up writing for school n junk. but here's the fabulous part two people wanted. enjoy :) read part one first

~Based of song; 'All I Want' by Kodaline

The team had quickly driven to the gas station off of Quinn Road just after SWAT did. The unsub, John Richly, had been cornered in there and was holding hostages.

He already killed 27 people, making his killings turning into a spree, and had 9 hostages in the gas station–including Tommy Wich. If he didn't get what he wanted he was going to kill the hostages one by one and then kill Tommy. If he got what he wanted, he was going to run and never be heard from again.

What he wanted was to be off the grid. The CPD was not going to give him anything. He didn't deserve to be free. He deserved to be in jail, rotting away.

The people he had killed were innocent and only tried to help the unsub. He had killed them after they helped him because he thought that once they saw his face that they would turn him in to the cops.

Once the team reached the gas station they all hopped out of the car. They went up to the chief of the CPD, Jim Groff, and asked what had happened before they got here. Groff had told them about the hostages and Tommy and what Richly had wanted in order to keep the hostages alive.

The team was scared.

Sure they had done cases like this before but John Richly was armed and dangerous. Holding hostages was something they didn't profile him for. He was going to go out with a bang from his gun, or someone else's.

Hotch had given everyone direct orders since the team was on short time. He wanted everyone to be extra careful and try not to piss off the unsub. If someone pissed him off he was going to start shooting, and he wouldn't care who he'd hit.

"All right listen up." Hotch had said. "Richly isn't your typical unsub. He is going to shoot his way out of this and either going to die by suicide from himself or suicide by cop. This won't be easy and some lives my be lost. Let's try and get this done quick. Okay?"

Everyone had said okay, puzzled by the pep-talk Hotch had given. He wasn't usually the one for pep-talks and rarely gave them. It was usually a quick list of orders.

Some members of the team were happy for the pep-talk. It boosted their spirits and gave them hope on this case, others not so much. They could tell Hotch was scared. He was normally good at hiding his feelings but this time, they shined through.

Spencer was not in the mood for pep-talks right now. He was so glad that they had found John Richly and were almost done with this case. He just wanted to be back home, holding you in his arms. Alas some things never went as planned for him.

He tried to called you each and every night when he was gone, but you didn't answer. He always would ask how you felt and what happened during your work and he would tell you about the case but this time it didn't happen. He was afraid it wouldn't happen again.

On the other hand you were sad. You just wanted Spencer back in your arms. You wanted to hug him and kiss him. Say you love him even after all that bad stuff that went on. You would rarely get mad at him and when you did it would only be for a day or two.

You wanted to answer his calls so badly and tell him everything would be okay between you both, but you didn't know if that was true or not. Your biggest fear was losing him. During cases you would always call and ask if he was okay and ask if he got hurt. He would always say, 'Trust me sweetheart, I'm okay." But since you never answered his calls, you didn't know if he was okay or not.

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