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"Melah you got two minutes or I'm coming up there. I'm not playing with you" I said to my sixteen year old daughter. My baby done grew up and became a handful.

"Ok ma dang, I'm coming now" She said while walking down the stairs rolling her eyes. My baby has blossomed into a beautiful young woman. She just such a damn diva.

"Is that mascara Jamelah Ivy Taylor?" This girl is gonna be the death of me I swear.

"Ma chill out, you so extra" I just looked at her for a minute then cracked a smile. I don't want my baby to grow up but I know it had to come at some point.

"Just for today, don't get use to it. I already told you, you to beautiful for makeup."

"But ma you wear makeup" She said, while smirking.

"Girl shut the hell up and come on for you be late to school, I ain't ask for all that." I said while grabbing my purse. I looked up my two story home and we got into my Rover and began my drive to Meme's school.

Well the last fifteen years have been doing me and my baby well. I'm now a Labor and Delivery Nurse and ya girl done put on a little weight. Well a lot, but it looks good on me. Melah has grown so much, she is so beautiful and is starting to look more like me. She is such a diva/drama queen, I can admit I've spoiled her rotten. She attends the school here in Jamaica. Yeah that's right, we've been living in Jamaica.

After I packed our stuff up that night and left home, I drove off to North Carolina. I had found a two bedroom apartment and I was doing well, eight months pregnant and ready to meet my baby boy. I was living off the money I had saved up, but I had planned on finding a job as soon as I delivered Jasani. One night I was sleep in my bed with Melah in bed next to me. I couldn't get her in her own bed for nothing so she slept with me. I felt something wet and I just assumed that maybe Melah had filled up her Diaper and needed to be changed. I sat up and snatched the cover over me

"Oh my god" I said as I looked down and I saw lots of blood on my bed spread. I instantly knew it was me, an that something was wrong with the baby. I got out of bed, instantly feeling pain in between my legs. I went my bathroom and cleaned myself and threw on some clothes. I grabbed Melah and rushed out the house.

I had no on to call, no one to help me. I felt so alone as I sat in that bed. My daughter was being watched over by the nurses as I delivered my son.

At approximately 6: 35 that morning I delivered my son Jasani Iman Taylor. He was a stillborn.... He was so small, and long. He was perfect. I cried and I cried and I cried as I got to hold my baby for an hour. After that hour was up they took him away. It felt like my chest had caved in on me, I was confused, I didn't understand what went wrong. My son was doing perfect, he was healthy, and he was growing. I felt every kick and I felt every move. Then all of a sudden he's gone.

The doctors could never find out what caused Jasani's sudden death, and I think that's what kills me the most. I don't know if it was something I did, something I could of prevented. I just don't know, but not one day goes by and I don't think about him and how he's suppose to be right by his sister. I know he's up there though, protecting us.

After my sons death my mom cam down to stay with us for a little bit until I was able to get back on my feet. Of course she didn't tell anyone I was down here, that's what a real momma would do. She did tell me Meet had been searching all over for us and had even came by her place threatening her. Say if she didn't tell him where we were he would set her house on fire. I told her not to worry because Meer would not do that, at least not to her. After about 5 months of my mom staying with me, I still felt empty and North Carolina only reminded me of my baby's death. So I felt it was time foreign me to pack up and leave.

I told my mom that I was going to Jamaica and my mom said that she couldn't leave and go that far. I understood and I was okay with her decision to stay. That however didn't change my decision. I packed up my things and my two year old daughter and flew right out to Jamaica. We've been here every since. Jamaica has become my home, I love it here.

"Have a good day Tink. I love you." I said as she hopped out the car. She waved.

"I love you too" Then she walked into the building. I pulled off and headed to work. I love be a nurse, seeing babies be delivered everyday just brings joy to my heart. Other days I fell empathy for the mothers who don't get to leave with their babies. Who will never get to make memories for their babies.

"Hey babehh" My friend Natori said. She's the first person I became friends with down here. Tori is my best friend, and she's such a goofy sweetheart.

"Hey Chica. How is it today?" I asked. She works here at the hospital too, as the receptionist.

"Gyallll, it's busayy as hell."

"Ughhhh, well let me get to work then.

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