Part Two - Tigerclaw's point of view

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Dawn crept through the brambles of the warriors' den.
I stirred.
Licking my chest fur and shaking at the moss that still clung to my pelt, I kept glancing at the ginger tom.
I narrowed my eyes at his still, but breathing, body. His chest heaving up and down in a low, steady rhythm.
Why did it feel like something was off about him?
What is it that made me feel... Weird around him, or every time I think about him.
Stepping out of the den, the sun warming my brown stripped pelt, I squinted.
Today, I thought, will be a warm day. I hope.
I grabbed a rabbit from the fresh-kill pile, and headed back to the entrance of the den, sat down, and ate the rabbit.
When I took at least two mouthfuls, Fireheart crept out of the den, sitting next to me.
He never sits near me. That's odd.
"Are you waiting for Graystripe, your friend?" I asked nervously. Hoping he is.
But his presence beside me stirred my heart, made me feel warm inside.
No! I scolded myself.
"I don't know what I'm doing..." He trailed off. Staring into the distance.
I passed my half eaten rabbit to him, and he looked at me with wide eyes.
"You never share food with me, Tigerclaw," he asked anxiously. "What's it make a difference now?"
I didn't answer. Instead, I moved the prey closer to him, and went to the apprentices' den.
"Wake up," I growled. "Your mentors will be waiting for you."
The apprentices stirred, and I went back into the clearing, near the fresh-kill pile.
As if on cue, the warriors emerged from the den.
Whitestorm yawned, then groomed himself. Longtail looked around, a little hesitant, as if this was the first time being in the camp. Darkstripe immediately spotted me and padded over. Longtail followed. Graystripe sat beside his friend, Fireheart.
Graystripe and Fireheart ate and groomed each other, purring.
When they looked at me, I flicked my tail to beckon them forward. It was time for a dawn patrol on the borders, then I had to make a hunting patrol.
When the gray warrior and the ginger tom were near, and the others, I gave them each a patrol the were to be on.
"Whitestorm, Graystripe, Fireheart and I will go on border patrol," I ordered. "The rest of you will hunt when we get back."
I looked around the clearing. "Where is Sandstorm and Dustpelt?" I asked.
Whitestorm answered. "They went on extra patrols yesterday," the white warrior mewed. "They are really tired, so I told them to get some rest."
Of course.
"Right," I said in a commanding tone. "Let's go, then."
With a sweep of my tail, they followed me out into the undergrowth.

-------------------Time Skip-----------------

The border patrol was quiet, we talked about how things might go at the gathering tonight, hoping there's no trouble. Murmering things about WindClan, ShadowClan, and RiverClan, and their leaders.
The one who didn't speak at all was Fireheart.
I'll talk to him.
After telling Whitestorm to go ahead, I fell in behind the rest, catching to Fireheart's side. He looked as if he didn't notice my presence.
Clearing my throat, I meowed, "Fireheart," to get his attention.
Instead of looking directly at me, he turned his head in the opposite direction, as if he didn't want to talk.
"Fireheart." I repeated.
When he looked at me, he looked like he was hiding so many emotions, I couldn't tell which one he was feeling most.
"Tigerclaw, I don't wanna talk," he murmured seriously, picking up the pace. What he said next was barely more than a whisper, but I caught what he said. "Especially not to some murderer!"
I was shocked by his chosen words. I stood there for a few moments, then caught up to the front of the patrol.
Glancing back, I could see Graystripe and Fireheart talking and whispering. Though I couldn't hear what they were talking about.

The patrol went well, despite trying to talk to Fireheart. The hunting patrol set off when we came back, and I intently watched Fireheart settle beside Graystripe with vole in his jaws.
How did he know that I murdered someone?
Ravenpaw! I thought bitterly. That fox-heart!
I sighed and continued to watch Fireheart and Graystripe.
Although the distance was great, I could make out a few words coming from them.
"... Stop taking my food, you stupid furball!" Fireheart meowed as Graystripe took his prey.
The gray tom ate a mouthful before replying. "You give me food, I give you friendship and comfort." I heard Graystripe purr.
Comfort? What does he mean?
Fireheart growled, with an edge amusement, and swiped Graystripe on the muzzle with a sheathed paw. Then he took the vole from the gray tom and curled around it, making sure his friend couldn't get the food.
The ginger tom batted his friend with a sheathed paw every time he tried to take it.
After a bit, Graystripe got to his paws and grabbed a fat mouse for himself, then settled beside Fireheart again.
Fireheart began to eat his vole when Graystripe came back.
I padded over to the two, to confront Graystripe of taking his friend's food.
I nodded my greetings, and glanced at Graystripe, who looked confuzzled.
"Tigerclaw," Fireheart meowed, mot meeting my gaze.
"I've been watching you two from across the camp," I started, flicking my tail to where I was sitting near the bramble fenced wall near the nursery.
"... Okay...?" Graystripe raised a brow. "Why were you watching us?"
Avoiding the question, I continued. "Why are you taking Fireheart's meals?" I ask. "Everyone here needs to keep their strength up. One thing to do that is to eat. I see you've become a little plump, Graystripe. I know that isn't going to get in the watmy of you hunting, o doing any physical activity?"
Graystripe glanced at Fireheart, guilt flooding his gaze. "No, sorry Fireheart."
Fireheart flicked his tail and smiled. "Don't worry about it. Anymore, at least. I hope one day you'll get all the mice you can get," he meowed. "You'll need me to hunt you mice, since squirrels are the only things you've been able to catch since we were apprentices!"
"Hey!" The gray warrior meowed, swiping a paw on Fireheart's head. "I caught you, remember? You fought well. I was impressed."
Fireheart gave a few embarrassed licks to his chest fur.
"I mean... Bluestar called me unusual, remember?" He purred. "Am I really unusual to you?"
They purred and I sat next to them, bathing in the warm sun.
A few moments later Darkstripe came bounding to me, blocking my sunlight.
I growled. "What now?"
"You told us to meet you in the hollow," he explained. "You said you needed to talk."


Oh my gosh! This story is hurting my hands. But I have lot's of other stories to finish, so if I don't post, it's because of that, most likely.

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