Chapter 6

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        After Emma finished talking to Chris she said for me to sleep on the couch and Chris to take her dad's room. Chris went straight to her room because she wanted to explore. I felt tired  so I lied on the sofa on the sofa looking around. All the lights were on since Emma was still awake.I was worried about today how I lost control and beat up that poor  boy even though he deserved it. I went to hard on him but it wasn't my fault. I didn't want this power just because I was one of them and I am his son makes people think it's okay for me to be like this well it's not. I was getting frustrated so I stopped thinking about it but the thing I did keep thinking about was why was my dad sending people over here.I thought he was done working with herobrine but I guess he was lying about that too. If Emma knows what I did and who I'm suppose to be she'll hate me and want nothing do with me.

        That brought another thing back to my mind.When I was in the rain and she had done that to get me wet I almost attacked her but I had control so I just cowered from what my real self would have done. I could not hurt Emma I loved her too much and when I had kissed her.... I blushed thinking about it.  I couldn't believe I did that out of nowhere and I knew that was unlike me and it was probably that side of me.  I sighed and thought about how the kiss was. her lips were soft and I felt her warm breath on my skin. She smelled on coconut and cinnamon and instantly at that moment that was the only thing I could think of. I herd Emma giggle in the other room and looked at the clock. 10:00 I was tired, so I decided to go to sleep.

        I knew Endermen could not sleep but it was worth a try over here. When we 'sleep' we actually teleport to the end where I did not want to be. I opened my eyes and saw the endless sky and felt the cool end stone under me. I stood up and immediately got tackled. I growled and pushed the person off me getting back up staring at the other enderman that pushed me. "What's your problem can't you see we're playing here" the girl (yes a girl) asked as her friend walked up to us. "Well watch where your playing" I said already not happy to be here. Why put on a fake smile if i'm mad. "Guys calm down" her friend said "No this fool has to know that I am royalty" the first girl said "don't you know who I am" she said proudly and I rolled my eyes. "I am the next princess" she said glaring at me "I am going to marry the prince since he proposed to me". I stared at her like she was crazy "lies". "Are you calling the prince, the second in command enderdragon, a liar" she scoffed. "I'm not calling him a liar i'm calling you one" I took a step toward her "because as the prince why would I love you". That small voice in the back of my head yelled at her "my love belongs to Emma!!!" making me blush a little.

        The girls looked at me then smiled "Oh prince where have you been your father has been enraged" the girl who lied before said bowing slightly "doesn't matter where I was now where's the castle from here" I  said with an attitude. I didn't know why but when I was here I always felt angry and confused, but if I was in Emma's world or the over world I would feel happy and relaxed. They guided me to the smallest tower where the end crystals was blown up. Another person killed an Enderdragon thank gosh I wasn't here. My dad always made me go and watch while the dragon will have no use but get killed. The girl pushed the button and the 3 by 3 door there was a whole bunch of pressure plates. (got the idea from Emma but no pattern) We all teleported to the other side because it was all TNT. The more we went deeper into the castle the tighter the knot in my stomach got. We finally got to the main room after the guards let us through and there was my father yelling at the servants about a spill on the ground.

        I cleared my throat and his glare went to me and didn't change. He walked over to me, he was at least 1 block taller than me, and he moved his hand and slapped me across the face. I stood there looking at him still to show him I was unfazed but the truth was I felt a sharp sting all over my face. "Who do you think you are disappearing for a month" he growled at me. "Do you know what people say when my coward son runs away to the over world" he walked past me and I followed leaving the two girls there in main room "You were always weak yet so smart and when I try to fix that you just decided to run from your problems". We made it to his room and he closed the door behind us "I didn't run away" I said "I just wanted to-" his menacing look cut me off "I already know what you have been doing" he said "I know everything especially about that human girl".

        I winced when he spoke about Emma. "You think you can get away with it but now that your here you won't get away" he spoke and I felt like I had an advantage since I was asleep "So father what did you think about me attacking the humans?" he paused for a moment "I knew you would kill people, this is of ender ways so it will always be done". A smile went on my face, he couldn't see what I was doing in the human world only in the over world. That meant I could retreat there and he could never discipline me or take me back to this horrible place. "You can't control me anymore father" I said "I'm not a kid anymore and I want to be happy so you can't make me do anything". I ran out the room before he could lash out at me.

        I ran past that girl and she looked mad at me for running but I didn't care  I didn't need her or anyone else in this place. I teleported out the building and could hear the guards coming out the buildings. The stomping of their feet was thundering all around that the random endermen  stared at me run giving gasps and ushering out of the way. I need to wake up I thought frantically as the guards were catching up. I was suddenly tackled by someone as they pushed me to the ground harshly obviously not caring if I was the prince. "Don't think you'll get away my prince" someone hissed in my ear. I looked up to see the girl  there grinning evilly. "Endie you okay?" a soft voice called in the back of my head "Emma?" I called confused. The girl laughed at me "he must be having a nightmare" I herd Chris this time but she sounded worried knowing what happens when we sleep.

        I bit my lip hard causing it to bleed and Emma to yell my name louder in panic.I felt my body slowly faze out of that world and back to Emma. I opened my eyes to see both girls  with worried looks on they're face I felt relief wash through me and hugged Emma. "E-En-Endie" she stuttered embarrassed probably blushing but I felt so happy.

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