Part 1.

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"how we used to be"

It was a beautiful winter where the snow laid upon the streets like a white blanket. One that was ever so cold and warm at the same time. One that kept freezing the most. One that mesmerized the most.
Just like her.
She was like snow.
Beautiful and soft, but ever so cold.
Her beauty was breath taking. Her voice the cure for anything.

His eyes always would lay upon her silhouette whenever they crossed paths.
But her? She avoided him at all costs.
Her unknown true love.
The one she truly loved. The one she secretly desired.

She knew he loved her.
He wasn't aware how she felt.
She had a husband.
She was happy. Y/N was happy with her life. That's what she thought.
Not aware that her husband cheated
Not knowing he despised her beauty.
Never realizing being alongside the wrong man.

"Is this how we used to be?" He asked her on that especially cold day in front of the building they both worked at. The one where she played her role as a manager and lawyer and where he was an idol.

"We've never been." She answered. Eyes never filling with warmth as it usually was when they saw each other.

Even though his smile would set her off the edge and make her heart flutter with unwanted feelings for the idol she worked alongside with. For the boy she used to be the best friend of once.
She denied everything positive after marrying the rival company's idol.

But if she loved him and he loved her. Why keep the distance?
Why would she be so hard on him?
Why would she walk next to anyone but him?

Why did she push away Wonho so hardly even though she loved him so much, her heart would start to ache?

"Let's get to work."
"How can  we  work if you act like I am a ghost?"
"Become one."
Again she was so mean and cold to him.
Again she pushed him as far as she could.

"Will you take me back?"

Y/N slowly walked down the corridors the entertainment building had.
She sent off the members off to their dorm to rest.
Herself on the way to her beloved husband.

The heels of her pumps scratched over the surface of the marble floor when she entered the door, passing them away.
The house was filled with weird sounds. A tie laid in front of the feet of Y/N.
red heels spread across the floor.
Two wine glasses, one with red lipstick smeared around one sensitive spot.
'Sehun, you son of a bitch.'
Those exact thoughts were the ones Y/N had. She wasn't fragile and crying just yet.
Rather her confidence drove her.
Taking the wine bottle as she tippy toed to her shared bedroom, opening the door to face her husband on top of another woman while she begged him not to stop.
A similar face. An Idol the man worked with and told his wife not to worry about.

"You dog don't even have the pride to do it somewhere else than my bed? The one I paid for? Pathetic." Y/N spat even though her throat felt sore and dry, her heart aching while both her targets were filled with shock of being caught.
"I spent 3 years with an idotic, second class rapper. I can't belive it." The woman stated as she suddenly started to pour the wine down on both.
"At least it was the cheap wine. Thanks god you're not known of wine."

"You dirty-"
"I don't fuck myself through trainees and colleagues. Who is dirty here?" Was all Y/N said as her last words after packing her stuff. She was hurt but she wouldn't show.
She wouldn't give him this success. Not even now.

Without looking back in sorrow. But where? To the dorm.
Where He was.
Knocking she was greeted by a tall red haired male who looked tired to his bones.
"Where are the others?"
"Off to their parents."
"I sent my family on a vacation."
"Ah, I remember."
"What's with the bag?"
"Can I stay?"

Wonho's eyes widened at her words.
They were like music.
He couldn't belive it
"Y-Yes..Sure..Come in."
Even though many told him not to lose against her. He did.
Not to become weak. He did.

But so did she.
After a few minutes of being captured by the warmth of the dorm, her stuff being carried by him and sat down in his room, his wide body turning to meet her, that's when her dainty hands wrapped around his body, her arms pulling him close while she cried and sniffed against his chest.
Y/N missed his scent and love,
She missed his warmth,
She missed his every little bit.
His smiles.
His sparkly eyes.
His voice.
His touch.
She missed Hoseok.

"What happened?" He asked while he sat down with her, never letting go.

With a shaky voice and insecure words she explained.
She told him how her ever so beloved husband let in another woman into their life.
How he slept with her in the bed she spent so many moments with him.
Her heart laid there, open and poured out for Hoseok.
And he would take it.
He would heal it.
Even if she didn't feel the same.
He would protect her anyways.

"I knew he wasn't THE right one."

"Don't leave me, Hoseok. Just bare with me a little." Y/N pleaded while her body was pressed against his own

"I'd never leave you.."

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