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Heyyyy there. Nice to see you again.

Welcome to The Other Side of Nowhere, aka an Aidesse AU that I've been sitting on for,, around 2 ½ to 3 years. THREE FREAKING YEARS.

I started considering this AU back in early-2017, but never really...did anything about it. Then back in July 2018 I actually thought I was going to commit to it, and I got through a whole chapter and a half before I quit it and completely ignored the whole thing.

But! I am coming back to it now!! With a new title and new plot things and me ACTUALLY BEING PREPARED TO POST CONSISTENTLY WHOA

I've recently finished another big MCSM book (it's called Parallels pls read lol), and I decided I needed a new project. Well...not exactly a new project, but something else to work on? I think you know what I mean?

So. What do I usually say in these author's notes.

Like I said, this is an Aidesse story, so just clear out right now if that's not something you wanna read
Admittedly it takes a LOOOOONG time before it's even remotely romantic (we stan slowburns in this house) but it's still Jesse x Aiden so, ,, ,, *makes shooing motion with hands*

I'm a big multishipper in general, so there's probably gonna be some other weird nonsense thrown in as well. Just a heads-up.

Also, I want to clarify that I have a lot of uncommon ideas and headcanons surrounding various MCSM characters. I try my best to keep them in character despite my weirdness, but there's gonna be some OOC nonsense here and there so you're gonna have to just bear with me lol

I'm going to be updating once a week to start off, then hopefully upping my schedule to twice a week once I get a little further ahead in writing. This should be a fairly short story (compared to some of my other stuff), but I never seem to be able to keep things simple so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

While you're waiting for updates, check out some of my other books! I would suggest Parallels, No Rest for the Wicked, Complications, Undetermined, Shattered Souls, or my Short Stories book. I have several other stories too, but they're old lol

I think that's it for now

Enjoy? Hopefully?


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