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The wheels of the shopping cart make a screeching noise as Shawn pushes the car softly through the Dairy aisle. The cold air of the freezers makes you shiver slightly as you hold onto the edge.

"People are looking at us weirdly." Shawn whispers/yells at you and you can only chuckle.

"Who cares? You should go faster!." You say in a child-like voice as your feet try push down the front chasis of the car.

Shawn tips his head back with a cheeky smile. "If we get kicked out — that's on you."

He grabs impulse and you let out a squeal as you hold onto the edge, feeling the cold metal dig into your palms.

"We need muffins!." He yells before turning left and into one of the aisle – He stops breathless and you cock your head to the side.

"We don't need muffins, they have those at the faculty's cafeteria." You comment, Shawn raises his hand and grabs a package of twelve chocolate chips muffins – Making it seem as if he hadn't heard you. "You are seriously going to spend your already low budget on muffins?."

Shawn fake pouts. "The ones in the cafeteria suck."

"Whatever, it's your money not mine." You jump off the shopping cart, walking forward as Shawn softly pushes the car from behind you.

"I need some granola baaaars." You chant, waltzing to the shelf and soon realizing the granola bars you liked so much were out of your reach. "Damn it."

Shawn lets out a playful chuckle as he makes his way to you, he reaches over the top shelf – Grabbing hold of the box and lowering to your reach.

"Thanks!." You mumble, throwing the box on the almost empty shopping cart.

"What would you do without me." He dramatizes and you roll your eyes playfully.

"Probably pull myself up and almost break my body in half trying to reach the box." You deadpan, giving him a tight-lipped smile.

Shawn can only click his tongue as you two make your way through the Rite-Aid, thankful that it was a short walk from campus.

The store was almost empty - So the giggles and chuckles coming from you two as he banters were that much loud for everyone to hear. Shawn throws stuff into the cart that are not necessary, and even you protest against it – advising him that his money will be gone in a matter of weeks at that rate, but he swears he desperately needs Chocolate ice cream (You point out the fact that it's the middle of fall but he shrugs it off) You pull the shopping cart into the cashiers, placing the countless items (mostly Shawn's) on the counter.

"Most of this stuff is all yours." You mumble as the cashier tells you your total. "Can't believe you spent 25dlls more than I." You hand the woman a 20 and 5 dollar bill, before placing the items on your tote.

The automatic doors open slowly, the screeching sound of it moving makes your head shot up – A reflex, if you may. Then Tom appears, hand wrapped around a beautiful long-legged brunette's waist — Screeching-like giggles come out of her lips as a soft grin takes over Tom's lips.

For some reason you feel your stomach churn in something you can't quite name, maybe it was the fact that Tom and you had been for the past couple of weeks so endearing and that never once had he mentioned a girls name.

Regardless, you find yourself shaking your head to stop your glare and Tom walks toward the Pharmacy without taking notice of you.

But Shawn did, he watched as the smile lightly fell off your lips – Trading it for a grimace as you frown, slipping the tote on your shoulder. He can't help but swallow hard at the sight of you, feeling a little bit more than just worried for a friend.

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