About us !

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This is not to dig at any other race ( white, asian, or native American) but to impower divreves relationship in kpop. We will come out with a few books of black girls (and maybe boy's too) who are into kpop or asian boy's. We ask to be respectful of people's race, sexually, kinks, or religion.

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kmusicandblackwomen/?hl=en

Our site: http://kmusicandblackwomen.com/

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If you came here to see what this blog is about. Thank You! If you want to know more, you can visit the Frequently Asked Questions


A: After some hard thinking for months I created this blog on September 20, 2014for Black fan girls like me that likes Kpop / Kmusic. I started it as a personal blog to talk to myself about interactions with girls like me because no one else wanted to talk about it..

For 3 main reasons:

 Since we feel left out and un-loved and always talked down on because of our race. We are judged for listening to music that's not in our language.

A lot of us think we will get no love back from our favorite groups because the color of our skin. But that's not the case.

 When Black fans try to confide to other fans (even other Black fans) and talk about their love for the music or their attraction. We would get told "Who cares if they don't like you, they're racist any way". | "Stop trying to seek validation." | "You have a fetish."...People shouldn't get judged over simple curiosity.

So with this blog we can share our experiences at concerts and meeting our favorite groups. It's all positivity. We don't condone in racism or thinking we're better than any other race, it's just a fun place to "fangirl" together and talk about music, our favorite groups and some times for fun, we discuss if they'll end up with girls like us..because why not. #curiosity


A: We share our experience with meeting these idols/ celebrities known as “fan accounts”. Mostly we like to show their love for our culture, music and our people. We like to see how they're inspired by a lot of Black music artists.

We share our experience involving Asian men called, “Story Time”. We fan girl over our faves showing us love and recognizing us just as much (if not more) as other fans because sometimes Black women feel invisible and unappreciated, so why not have a place where we can join together and fan girl TOGETHER! Nothing’s wrong with that! It’s all positivity.

At times (sometimes a lot) we do talk about these men being attracted to us Black women and there’s nothing wrong with that. A lot of us are attracted to Asian men and therefore we’re attracted to these Korean idols, so obviously we want to know if they will like us back, it’s fun to know! And we enjoy it when they do find Black women attractive! How refreshing and uplifting to hear that the man you love and adore, love you back! ❤️

It's all fun and positive.


A: This comes from other Black women (saying this mostly). It's sad that this even has to be here, only haters like to throw that word around because they have nothing much to say, so why not accuse Black women who are attracted to Asians of having only a sexual fetish for Asians.

*Listen, telling Black women they have a fetish for Asians just because they're physically attracted to Asians. You are basically telling us as BLACK women that we are not desired, we are not attractive, we are not good enough to be in a relationship with them, we are not valued enough to even be with men outside our race. That's the self-hate, insecurities you're putting on us. So you want us to stick to only dating our race. This is racism to tell us we can not and should not be attracted to Asians because YOU don't think we're good enough to be with them, so therefore we are automatically seen as a sexual fetish to them. Got it.

Fetishzing is when you only see that race sexually and not really seeing them as a person or a partner. WE DO NOT SEE ASIANS AS A "FETISH" AS SOME ONE WE ONLY WANT TO LUST OVER AND NOT BRNG HOME TO MAMA! We respect them as HUMAN beings! Being a "fangirl" obviously you will be physically attracted to any race you find sexually/physically attractive, it's called LIFE. It's real it happens. Just because we are Black women and like Asian men doesn't automatically make it a "fetish". fangirl doesn't = having a fetish.


A: Lol!

I'm personally not "obsessed" with Korean culture...yet? as other K-Pop fans, I'm still learning the culture and the language.. and I'm sure the people you call "koreaboos" are too. I only know a little Korean, so I write what I know. I don't judge people that are considered a "Koreaboo" and I could care less. They're not hurting any body. If they're obsessed/in love with Korean culture and love the people, who cares? Why so angry about it? As long as they're not killing people/animals to do it, litterally, then let them be.

It doesn't make any sense for you all to use "Koreaboo" as an insult, because it's NOT offensive. And stop bullying the people you consider a "Koreaboo" it's NOT that deep. People rather you're a "Koreaboo" or not, just be yourself. Koreaboo has a lot of meanings to it, so the next timme someone harrass you and calls you a "Koreaboo" (and failng at trying to use it as an insult) ask them "Which one? Be more specific".


A: A casual 'clap back' every now and then. But miserable loves company, so I ignore them 99% of the time.
CLICK! TO LOOK AT this fun tag for the haters too.. it's entertaining and educational.


Now I had to talk about in detail what my blog is all about because people like to assume things and even though it’s obvious what my blog is about, people still like to question things out of ignorance. This isn’t about trying to prove anything to them, but this is a more detailed description about my blog. I'm pretty sure they will continue to be mad. Stay mad. You're not hurting any one but yourself. We having fun over here! JOIN US!



I DONT OWN. I'm just a worker for this. All right to owner.

Thank you make sure to follow us. Make your comment's in conversion box at our profile ❤💜

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