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Sam above/to the side.

I began writing this a long time ago, so it is not as promising as my other works. However, several comments in further chapters have asked me to update my book, and so I will be making edits in the previous chapters, to allow it to seem more smooth, and to seem more like my other works.

Keep in mind that this is much like the movie, but not exactly. I do not wish to have anyone copy this book, and if you do so, then you will be blocked, and reported. I hope that you all enjoy this book, and if there are a few errors, please be patient with me. I am doing my best to perfect this book.



My name is Sam. My full name is Samantha, but everyone calls me Sam. I have a sister and a brother; Sara and Seth. We are all triplets.

Our home planet is dying from pollution. Our leaders wish to take over Earth, but my parents and several others disagreed with them. Therefore, they created a secret group of their own. They named the group Prove, since they needed to prove that our planet did not need to take over Earth and inhabit it.

If they were to be discovered, then they would all be arrested, and most likely sentenced to the death sentence. Of course, the Prove group understood this.

They were, eventually, betrayed to the Leaders by a lower-level class-man. One by one, they were hunted down and jailed. Our parents were some of the last to be arrested. They commanded us to continue the group, and prove that we needed to not take over Earth.

The main reason that the Prove group did not wish to inhabit Earth was because there were already so many lives on Earth. Billions of people lived there, and here would be so many casualties. It was unthinkable. Of course, our Leaders were ready to do the unthinkable to survive, even if it meant murdering billions of others for a few more years of life.

The Government chased myself, Seth and Sara as far as they could. They were determined to not let us get away, but the Leaders commanded them to stop as we rocketed into space with the spaceship we stole. They believed that we would not make it; three untrained, inexperienced teenagers drifting to an entirely different galaxy.

But we were determined to save Earth, at whatever cost, even if the cost were our own lives. Three meager lives for billions of other to survive was an easy price to pay.

This is our story.


We rocketed forward, toward Earth. The controls were blinking madly, and I stared at them.

"Sam! Sara! What is going on?" Seth called out, hurrying in.

"I am not sure." I replied. I was never good with electronics.

"Neither am I. It seems as if Earth's gravity is pulling us in much faster than we expected. We will be forced to crash." Sara responded.

Seth groaned. I knew that he believed that us two girls flying the spaceship was the cause of us crashing. But, he would never dare to voice that aloud.

"Well, then," he said, sitting down and strapping himself in, "What can I do?"

"Be silent and allow us to think," Sara replied, swapping the controls. I studied them, searching for the map.

Sara shook her head. "You would have thought, that out of the dozens and dozens of our kind to travel to Earth, someone would have recorded the gravitational pull."

I shrugged. "Well, perhaps the gravitational pull was not very important, once they made it down."

"We will record it, for future notice," Seth stated, leaning back.

I rolled my eyes as I continued to study the screen. I tapped buttons quickly, bringing up a three-dimensional view of the ship, and the planet.

"Even if the gravitational pull was less, we most likely could not slow down. We simply are not equipped for this." I said.

"Well, what if we had more fuel? A bigger engine?" Seth tried, leaning forward to examine the view.

Sara shook her head. "Still not possible."

"So, we are going to crash," Seth groaned.

I nodded. "Most likely."

He shook his head. "If you had only allowed me to-"

Sara immediately cut him off, seeing where this was going. "Look, we are almost able to judge where we will crash at."

This captivated Seth's attention automatically, and he turned to examine Sara's side of the screen.

We jolted forward. I could feel the pressure of how quickly we were speeding toward the surface of the Earth increasing, as our speed increased.

What if we caused an earthquakes that wreaked the homes and caused hundreds of casualties once we landed? What if the mission was a complete failure to start with?

I shook my head, ignoring these thoughts. They had constantly plagued my mind, ever since we took off.

Suddenly, the blue and green surface of Earth loomed into view, becoming bigger and more detailed as we sped onward.

"Prepare for landing," Sara said, and we all buckled up.

Then, in a single blink of an eye, we crashed into Earth.

I apologize about the authors notes and the beginning and ending of each chapter. I will do my best to end those, or at least shorten them.

The chapters will be much shorter than my other books, since that is the layout of the book. Unless I completely redo the book, it will simply have short chapters. I will do my best to drag them out.

Thank you for stopping by and reading my book. I you have made it to the end, the congrats! You have officially withstood the horrid prologue of this book.

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