Chapter 2

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This chapter will be shorter than the last chapter, because so much action is involved.

Finally, we pulled up to the cabin that was our destination. "We're here, Jack Bruno," Sara said. "Here? There's nothing here." Jack asked, confused. He spotted the cabin, and asked skeptically, "Somebody is expecting you three, right?" "Doesn't look like anyone is home."

"Don't worry, we will soon be reunited with family." Sara assured him.

"Okay. Seven hundred twenty dollars, and fifty cents is the total cost, but how about I knock off twenty five percent, and I also-" Jack began. "Here!" Seth exclaimed, shoving the wad of cash into Jack's hand as we exited the car. We ran toward the cabin, entering it.

I stopped. "The Siphon is here," I said, my voice laced with dread. Seth pulled us down behind a couch, just before the Siphon broke a window. "Kids? Everything okay in there?" Jack called, his faint voice growing louder. "Oh, don't let him come here! I whispered frantically. The door creaked open, and Jack stepped in. "Hello?" he called. Seth grabbed his leg, and Jack swung a board, which passed right through Seth. "What just happened?" Jack asked. "Shh!" I said. "You should have not jeopardized your life by following us in here." Sara said as Seth worked on the tracker. "What sort of trouble are you three in?" Jack tried. "I suggest you return to your vehicle. Your transportation services are no longer required." Seth snapped. "Seth, he's just trying to help us," Sara began. "We don't need help! Someone has already been here looking for us." Seth hissed. "We simply cannot trust any of them. Just us, Sara." He finished. We nodded. Sara looked up. "We appreciate your efforts to assist us, Jack Bruno, but my brother is right. We can envolve you no more." She finished. Seth pressed the screen of the tracker. "Got it!" Seth exclaimed. "Let's go!" I said, as we hurried to the kitchen, stopping at the fridge.

Seth opened the fridge, and then he placed the tracker on the side. "What is that?" Jack asked. The inside of the fridge opened up, revealing a hidden walkway. Seth yanked off the tracker, and went inside, us following.

We found a wall, and Seth placed the tracker on the edge of it. It slid open, revealing the hidden garden.

We walked into the garden, pushing aside branches and leaves. Seth went one way, We turned another. "Sara, Sam, it's here!" he called out. We turned and hurried to the bubble that was flashing different colors. Seth nodded to Sara. She pulled her necklace off, placing it on the top. The bubble turned red, and moved. I reached inside it, and felt around.

Finally, I pulled out the device that we needed. Sara took it from me. We smiled, but then a loud sounded from where we had come. We ducked down, and we crept through the bushes. A loud creaking noise sounded, and a bush jerked. "Run, run, run!" Jack yelled. We turned, and ran.

Jack hit the Siphon, and it threw him. He rolled over into some bushes. Seth pulled Sara and me down into some bushes, too. The Siphon walked forward, then stopped. It grew a gun, and shot the goo bubble, blasting Sara, Seth, and me back. We got up, and ran. "Jack Bruno!" Sara called out. "Kids!" he yelled. Another blast. "Go!" Seth shouted. "Go, go, go!" Seth shouted. Another blast threw us into some trees. We were up and running in a second. "Go!" I coughed out. Seth pulled me up, pushing me forward. The Siphon threw me again, this time next to a fire.

I had a coughing fit, pulling myself up. Sara blasted the Siphon with a burning ball, and we ran. Seth pulled the fridge door shut, but the blast knocked him back and out. The blast threw me into the wall. "Seth! No!" I cried, pulling myself up. Jack pulled Seth up. "Keep moving, go, go, go!" he shouted. We ran to the car. The Siphon blasted another burning ball, and this time it burned my right side.

My arm, and side were scorching red. Holes were burnt into my clothes. I fell, and Sara grabbed my left hand and pulled me up, shoving me in next to Seth. Jack hit the gas, and we roared forward

Seth opened his eyes. "How's your brother feeling?" Jack asked, just as Seth woke up. "His system-"Sara began. "I'm fine." Seth said. "You know, I'm happy you're feeling better, because you're going to need your strength when you try to explain to me just what happen back there!" Jack shouted. We hit a bump, and my burns flared to life with pain. I groaned between clenched teeth. Everyone looked at me. "Sam, you're burned!" Sara exclaimed. "I thought that you just fell back there!" "What? You got burned?" Seth asked. "Heal yourself!" Sara whispered. I shook my head. I was too weak to heal myself. Though I struggled to remain conscious, everything went black as I fell against Seth.

Third person

"Heal her!" Sara told Seth. "You know that I don't have that power," he retorted. He grabbed her and twisted her so that he could see the burns. He sucked in a breath. He lightly touched the one on her arm. Sara pulled her jacket off that arm, and her shirt up. The skin was red, pink, and blistering. Jack glanced back. "Everything okay back there?" he asked. "Fine." Seth said. "I'm going to kill that Siphon with my bare hands." Set muttered angrily. "She will be alright," Sara reassured him.

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