Drew's Reaction

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians series or The Heroes of Olympus series. All rights go to Rick Riordan.

Lacey P.O.V.

Piper started making changes to the Aphrodite cabin. I was pretty excited. Drew sat on the bed assessing everything that was happening. She hadn't moved from that spot and was holding a box. I wanted to look what was inside, but I held back. Piper, however, didn't.

"What's in the box, Drew?" Piper asked kindly. She instantly shut it.

"You can steal my spot, but you cannot take this." Drew wasn't snotty this time, she was stubborn and defiant like protecting something important.

"Please?" Piper put charmspeaking into her words. It was really strong, but Drew wouldn't budge

"No." Piper looked suspicious, but continued with whatever she was doing. Drew sat up to put the box away. She gasped as she fell and the box landed on Piper's lap. Piper, out of curiosity, opened the box. It had "PJ" engraved on a large sea-green diamond. It was no jewlery, which was was what  Drew usually treasured the most.

"Did you steal this from Percy's room?" I asked in shock. She shook her head and stomped out, taking the box with her. She headed to the beach and I turned to Piper who sat there with wide-eyes.

"Drew is many things, but not a thief." I defended Drew at the accusing look on Piper's face.

"Was she always like this?" Piper asked me tiredly.

"No." I answered truthfully. Piper looked like she wasn't expecting this answer.

"Really? What was she like before?" Piper looked really eager.

"She was happy. Not exactly nice, but neutral I guess. She usually went to visit her dad, but then he died. She was here for a few summers, but went back into the mortal world. She was instantly put in a foster home. It started around then, but not too much. She got foster parents and they were rich, so you know where that leads with charmspeaking. It lessened and completely stopped for a time, but it started coming back and I can't particularly remember when." I finished my story with a deep breath.

"I need to go apologize." Piper was about to leave when we both gasped. There was a vision before us and we saw things through Drew's eyes.


Drew's P.O.V.

Why did I leave? I could have stayed with my crush, Percy Jackson. He's a hero, who wouldn't like him? I went back to the orphanage and bad things happened to me. I don't want to explain. When I came back, I thought they would do the same things to me so I had to show them I was strong. I became cabin leader and ordered them to do tasks for me. If there was one mistake, I would scold them because that was what they deserved. This girl nearly broke my handbag and I was telling her how worthless she was, when there stood Percy Jackson. Her heart was fluttering, until she saw the anger in his eyes.

"May I please talk to you?" Percy asked me and I followed him to the beach. He bombarded me with questions like Why are you so mean? Do you take joy in making people hurt? How does this make you feel? It was one question after another until tears were flowing down my face.

"I-I'm so sorry!" I stammered and fell onto the sand. He sat down beside me.

"Tell me." he said. It wasn't a question, it wasn't a demand, it was a request. I explained to him about my father dying because of a careless driver. He nodded his head remembering the time I panicked when I was in the car with Argus. I told him of the kids in the foster home telling me mean things and how worthless I was. How they abused me. I nearly broke down, but he rubbed my back reassuringly.

"I thought, 'it's them or me' I didn't know I was becoming like those mean girls." I tried to explain, but I was rambling.

"Drew." I looked up at him. "I believe you, but you need to understand. This isn't the way." I knew what he was trying to say. Percy was telling me I needed to be the better person. It was so cliche, yet so fitting.

"I will, as long as your here." he looked pained for a second, but it quickly disappeared so I thought I  was imagining things.

"I have something for you." He stood up and held his hand out for me. I took it and he led me towards me. He told me to wait and I stood there awkwardly. Percy came out with a weird blue ballerina box. He opened it and instead of a ballerina it held a diamond with the letters P and J.

"Your name?" I asked confused of why he would show me this.

"If you close it," he demonstrated by closing the box, "You won't see its beauty."

"Well, because it's out of view."

"But if you open it," he opened it once more, "You will see its wonders." I suddenly realized he wasn't just talking about the diamond.

"I will do as you ask." I promised.

"Here." Percy gently handed over the box. "This is now yours. Goodbye." He waved at me and went in his cabin. I left to apologize to the girl I was mean to. I learned her name was Lacey. I told her about my past, but made sure it was vague. I could only trust Percy.

I went to sleep after that. It was a long day of being nice. The next day, I went to Percy's cabin. I knocked on the door. No answer. I frowned. I pushed the door open and it was vacant. I ran around camp asking for Percy. No one had seen him. I ran into the big house in panic.

"Chiron! Percy's gone!" I cried. He told not to worry, but he seemed troubled. Chiron called a counselor's meeting. I couldn't bear to go so I sent Lacey in my place.

It's been months. No sign of him. Annabeth is distraught, but she keeps it all bottled up. Chiron is always distracted. I went back to my old ways. I promised Percy only when he was here. If I didn't get him back. I would always be like this.

*End of Flashback*

Piper's P.O.V.

Lacey and I gasped. I kept hearing new wonders about this Percy guy. Changing Drew? Whoa. I knew what I had to do.

"Come on Lacey." she quickly understood.

"Let's go." she agreed. We both went to the beach, to apologize to Drew.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2012 ⏰

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