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And there she is, standing in the middle of the crowded room. She looks as beautiful as I remembered her. Blonde hair with bangs, big blue eyes and an incredible figure. She's wearing a black dress which hugs her body perfectly. I know she's not the type of person who loves to go to these crowded party's and I can see that she's slightly uncomfortable. I can feel her presence burning on my skin and I'm feeling my whole body aching for her. I just want to hold her and tell her everything's alright. She's laughing as a friend hands her a red plastic cup and suddenly it hits me. I lost her. I can't go over to her because I fucked up, I fucked up too many times and I don't want her to get hurt again. Seeing her this happy is reminding me of why I broke up with her in the first place. I'm not good for her. I'm just standing in the corner of the room, hiding behind people, watching her. Hopefully she and her friends won't see me and I can watch her peacefully for the rest of the night. If I had to describe her any further I would say she's like the moon. She guides you through the dark, she's always there for you in the most starless nights. But she's also too far away for you to reach, she's too good of a person for you to be with and I think I always knew it.
"Why are you here?" asks a well known voice from behind me. I turn around and see a familiar person looking angrily at me. Ophelia wasn't the kind of girl you wanted to mess with because you knew she's got a whole army of men behind her. "I won't ask again!" She almost screamed. "I'm about to leave I just wanted to make sure she's okay" I repeated, almost whispering. She knows what I did and she won't ever forgive me for the way I treated Lola.
"I swear to god if I ever see you again-" Ophelia angrily said but was interrupted by a sudden movement from behind me. I felt a hand slightly touching my neck and a shiver running down my spine. I know this hand.

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