Welcome Back Fever?

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*3 Days Later*

Once again I sneezed and felt like my head got hit by a train. "Are you okay you've been sneezing a lot since you woke up," Loke asked as we walked to the guild. "Yeah I think it's just allergies or something," I said brushing off the possibility that I could be sick. "Maybe we should go back home so you could rest," he said worried. "No it's just allergies I'm sure of it I'll be fine besides dad is supposed to come back today so I want to meet him at the guild," I said continuing to walk. "Okay then if you say so," he replied from behind me.

In 30 minutes we had made it to the guild with a few sneezes along the way. I walked in and everyone had turned towards me and Loke. "Hey guys sorry I haven't been by lately," I greeted everyone. "Hey Yuki so glad you came by," Levy said. "Yuki I'm so glad you're here I missed you so much," Wendy hugged me and I hugged her back. Me and Loke walked towards the bar where Mira was working.

"Hi big sister how are you," I greeted her as I sat down on the stool. "Hello Yuki I've been good, how have you been," she asked. "Same as always and I found two gate keys," I said showing them to her. "That's great now do you want something to drink," she asked us. "I guess I'll just have some herbal tea," I responded. "I'll just have some water," Loke answered. "Okay coming right up," she said turning to make the drinks.

"Herbal tea," he said questioning my choice of drink. "Well my mom always made me some when I was sick and...," "Wait when you were sick she made that for you when you were sick," he said shocked. "That doesn't mean anything I just haven't had some in a long time. Just what are you getting at anyways," I asked curious. "Isn't it a coincidence that you've been sneezing a lot, you're always cold, and you want some herbal tea that you drink when you're sick," he asked worried. "Loke don't worry I'm not sick I just wanted some because it reminds me of my mom," I said in a serious tone. "Here you go guys," Mira said giving us our drinks.

I grabbed the cup and took a sip, it was so warm it made me feel calm and content. "This tastes so good just like mom used to make," I said happily. "I hope so I taught her how to make it," Mira said. "You did," I asked surprised. She nodded her head and I was fascinated. Just then the doors to the guild opened and I turned to see that my dad had come home. I ran over to him happy to see that he was home safe.

"Hi dad I'm so glad that you came home safe," I greeted him. "Hello it's nice to be back so what have you been up to since I left," he asked me. "Same as usual and I found two new gate keys a gold and a silver one," I said bringing them out. "That's wonderful which reminds me I got this as part of my reward and I wanted to give it to you," he said grabbing the golden gate key from his pocket.

It was amazing here he was giving me another key and a zodiac key for that matter. The one that he had received was the two twins Gemini. "No way are you serious," I said becoming excited. "Yes it's my way of saying I'm sorry for not being around so often," he said with an apologetic tone. "It's okay but thank you so much," I said happy. "You're welcome now what do you think of the idea of going out for ice cream," he said. "Yeah that sounds nice," I said.

Loke gave me a concerned look as if saying that it was a bad idea and that I shouldn't go. I gave him a stern look saying that I'm fine and he shouldn't worry so much. He sighed and left back to the spirit world with a worried look on his face. I felt bad about being so aggressive towards him but nothing was wrong with me and there was nothing for him to be worried about anyways.


So we walked into the city looking for Mary's Ice Cream Shop. We got there in 10 minutes and it was pretty big for an ice cream shop. The inside was filled with tables and booths, the walls were painted a bubblegum pink, and the floor was a mint green color. We went and sat at a table and I was so amazed at the design of the shop. "Get anything you like," my dad told me. "How if there is no waiter," I asked confused.

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