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When I woke up I was still feeling kind of groggy. I noticed that I was a few feet off the ground and my hands were cuffed to some chains on the wall. My eyes then gazed around the cell that I was being kept in. The cell for the most part was empty except for the left wall that contained several miscellaneous items hanging on it, and next to it there was a surgical table I assumed. The entire cell itself wasn't very well lit up.

The open window above me and the small torch in the right corner of the room barely lit up the cell. "So if they took me to their hideout then where are the other women," I said speaking my thoughts aloud. "If you're looking for the others you're not going to find them here," a small voice said from across the hallway. I looked up and saw a young girl standing up holding the bars of the cell. She looked around 12 or 13, she had dark brown hair, her skin was fair, and she looked really skinny and frail.

"What do you mean, where are they," I asked her. "I don't know they only keep people like us in these cells," she said in a soft tone. "What do you mean by people like us and who's us for that matter," I said trying to find out as much as possible. "They only keep mages here, as for us there's Nazomi on your right who uses a caster-type magic called requip, there's Angela on my left who is a Water Mage, and me my name is Hatomi and I'm a Light Mage," she explained.

"My name's Yuki and I'm a celestial wizard and an Ice Mage," I said introducing myself. "If you're a celestial wizard then where are your gate keys," she asked me. "Oh they're right here," but when I looked down at my hip they weren't there. I began panicking and struggled to get out of my chains but all I did was end up bruising my wrists. 'This is going to set me back big time so what am I supposed to do now,' I thought trying to think of something.

My focus was then interrupted by the sound of a key opening a lock. The cell gate slid open and the man called Hughes came into my cell. "Smart of them to chain you up to the wall like that this way you'll cause less trouble," he said walking to the wall and grabbing one of the various items on it.

When he walked over towards me I noticed the small dagger that he had in his hand. When he got close to me we were eye to eye. "Now let's begin shall we," he said running his finger along the hilt of the blade. "Begin what," I said not showing any signs of fear. "Your interrogation of course. You're going to answer all my questions and if you don't well you'll just have to find out," he said with a creepy smile. "And what if I don't want to answer them," I retorted. "Then you'll be punished," he said with a cold glare.

I was really in trouble but if he asks me something about Fairy Tail or my life I'm going to have to lie. "Go ahead and do you worst," I said ready for the questions. (The order is Hughes and then Yuki for the dialogue or it will say who said what sometimes if you got lost)

"Are you a celestial wizard." "Yes." "Are you an Ice Mage." "No," I lied hoping to make it look like I was pretty useless without my keys. "Then how did the floor become icy." "I used one of my spirits." "Which one did you use." "I won't say," he then slapped me right across the face. "What the hell," I yelled. "I warned you that if you didn't answer any of the questions then you'll be punished," he reminded me.

I kept my composure and readied myself for anymore of these punishments. "Now then let's continue. Are you apart of a guild." "No I'm not I like to do things on my own." "Tell me about your family are any of them wizards." I don't want to answer that," I shut my eyes as he slapped me twice.

My right cheek was beginning to feel swollen. "Stop acting tough and just cooperate with me so this can all go faster. Besides you're useless without your little gate keys," he said laughing. "Hmm is that so," I said kicking him in the gut. He gripped it in pain for a few seconds and then looked at me with vengeful eyes.

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