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Summer's P.O.V
I can't believe I ruined Zack and Tomika's friendship and made everything going on worse, I shouldn't have meddled. I was walking down the streets and saw Tomika.

Summer(very quickly): Tomika I know your mad but just hear me out. I was just trying to fix the awkwardness going on between you two and I know now that I shouldn't have meddled.
Tomika: Sum, it's okay, you're nosy but your heart's in the right place, plus you helped me realise, we both keep messing thing's up, maybe it's best we stay friends and that means you can't stick your nose in my love life
Summer: Got it

Zack's P.O.V
Tomika: ...we both keep messing thing's up, maybe it's best we stay friends

I can't believe after everything she still wants to be friends. Even after our argument yesterday, I still really like her.
????: Hey dude, what are you doing
Zack: Freddy! I was just...
Freddy: Creepily hiding behind this bush
Zack: Well...I......ummm....yeah
Freddy: Who were you spying on?
Zack: No one, I gotta go bye.
Freddy: Weirdest he's ever been

No one's P.O.V.
Mr. Finn: Okay guys, this is it our chance to be great
Summer: We already got the gig, there's no need for a dramatic speech
Mr. Finn: Oh
Freddy: Let's go
Zack's P.O.V
We all walk inside and see, Tomika, of course
Zack(weirdly): Hey
Tomika(weirdly): Hi
Zack(weirdly): Hey
Tomika: I'll be over there.
Freddy: I thought you guys were cool
Zack: So did I, but every time we try to talk that happens
Freddy: Well that, needs to stop
Zack: I wonder what she's doing here
Freddy: She's opening

Tomika's P.O.V
Summer: I thought you guys were cool
Tomika: So did I but every time we try to have a conversation that happens.
Summer: Well it needs to stop if you guys want to keep being friends.

~After the show~
????: Hey
Tomika: Hey Zack, you said that to me like a normal person
Zack: We need to talk
Tomika: Yeah
Zack: I heard you talking to Summer and say you want to be friends.
Tomika: You heard or you were the creep behind the bush
Zack: Anyway, I wanted to tell you that I still really like you and...
Tomika: I still really like you too
Zack: But you said
Tomika: I know what I said but I still really like you.
Zack: Then would you do .e the honour of going on a date with...
Tomika: Yes
Summer, Freddy, Lawrence: Awwwww.
Tomika: Seriously
Zack: Guys!?

SCHOOL OF ROCK: COMING TOGETHER(Sequel to School of rock: secret's revealed)Where stories live. Discover now