The Rose Upon The Ashes

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I fall to one knee the voices of their opinions are heard

I always stand by you even when your heart is filled with their words of judgement

I carry you above the clouds trying to help you understand i want you when im high above

the cloud or in the deepest hole

When you lie with your wings broken i carry you along with me on our journey i see my life

upon your eyes

I see the future which is bond by a piece of faith and promise which will always lie upon


I promise you ill carry you when you need someone their

I promise you my footprints will always be found beside yours upon the sand

the foot prints of our path are washed away for new ones to replace them

I look upon the sand of our path and one day between our may lie what our true love creates

I look upon your eyes in our path of our past lied ashes of old memories

Right now things lie as a burning building a moment where the sky lies darkend by ash and

bright as could be i look to you i see the bright light i look the the darkness around us it lies to

be ashes

It is our love which keeps us walking

It is our love which gives the flower upon the ashes life

Beneath the ashes of our path lies small belief

Upon all the disbelief

Upon all the despair

Upon all the obstacles which lied upon the road of our pathes

We together have fought through it

Upon this day i promise to you

I promise to our love

I promise to our future

I will not walk of the path when an obstacle approaches ill break my way through

Upon the ashes lied a rose

Upon our love that rose will grow

We fight hard we fight strong in the end the rose will be the symbol of our love

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