A Royal Dinner

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You and Weiss walked out of the ship, pamper up thanks to Klein to look "presentable" for Jacques Schnee. However, as you stepped off, you saw something you never thought possible, at least at the Schnee Manor. Standing before you was of course Weiss' father, Jacques, but also her brother, Whitely.

That's not what surprised you however, as next to them was General James Ironwood, headmaster of Atlas Academy and commanding officer of the Atlesian Military. However, next to him was someone you hadn't seen in years, your old partner, Silver Adwin.

Adwin was your old teammate at Atlas and had left the team to become a Specialist in the military, achieving the rank of Captain at graduation along with another one of your teammates. As you approached the welcoming committee, you and Silver glared at one another before you turned to face Jacques.

(Y/N): Mr. Schnee.

Jacques: Hello, Mr. (L/N). (To Weiss) Sweetheart. How are you? Everything at Beacon go over well?

Weiss: Yes, Father. I will elaborate on that further.

Jacques: Of course. Shall we.

Jacques walked behind Weiss and guided her towards the manor. As Whitely passed you, he gave you a smirk that he was known for...one that you hated and wanted to break into a million shards. Before you could follow, Silver stepped in your way.

(Y/N): Adwin.

Silver: (L/N).

(Y/N): So, what is that you want?

Ironwood: Just a moment of your time, Lieutenant.

(Y/N): I am NOT your Lieutenant! I graduated and chose to not enter the military. I am a bounty hunter! I am Ms. Schnee's guard.

Silver: I thought you hated them.

Jacques: (Y/N)! Are you coming?

You looked back between Ironwood and Jacques. You saw Weiss glance at Ironwood and nod at you. You nod and return to look at Jacques.

(Y/N): Sorry, Mr. Schnee, but the General requires my attention momentary.

Jacques: What? You belong-

Ironwood: Jacques. It's just for a few minutes. I told you this before they arrived.

Jacques: (Sighs) I want him back before dinner.

(Y/N): Don't worry, sir. I'll be back.

Jacques nodded and you walked off with Ironwood and Adwin. You followed the two to their ship and walked into the main command center. You just took a position in front of a holo-table as Adwin and Ironwood went to the other side.

(Y/N): So?

Ironwood: We have an assignment for you.

(Y/N): Can't. Already got a job.

Silver: (Y/N)! This is serious. Someone has entered the Schnee household. A hostile force.

(Y/N): So, what do you need me for?

Ironwood: Someone is inside the household, someone whom we know not the identity of. It could be anyone. We believe their goal is either assassination of the family, or theft. Either way, we need you to interrogate Manor staff, find this criminal and bring them down.

(Y/N): And again, you need me because?

Silver: Because I found them. I couldn't identify, but they were skilled. Use our tactics.

Weiss Schnee X Male Reader: A Captured LoveWhere stories live. Discover now