Hickies and Houses

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When we got to Simons I snuck to my room and put foundation all over my neck. They weren't too dark. I left my hair down and went back into the foyer. I grabbed Harry's hand and we went to Simons study. I knocked on the door and Simon told us to come in

Lecsy. Uncle Simon Harry and I have something to ask you

Simon. Ok. What's up. What's all over your neck. IT LOOKs like bruises

Lecsy. Oh. In ballet we were trying a new partner move. They should be gone soon. ANYWAYS we have a very serious situation to talk to you about

Simon. You're not pregnant are you

Harry. No. Oh god no. But Louis and I are buying places in the same complex as the rest of the boys and I was wondering if. With your permission. If Lecsy would be allowed to move in with me

Simon. Ok. I know you two love each other. And I think that your relationship is strong. But Harry. You're turning 20 in a few weeks. And there's a lot of things that you. And the boys can do. That Lecsy can't. An you boys are heading on tour and Lecsy will be left alone with the house. By herself. So as much as I would love to say yes. For now. It's a no. I'm sorry if you think it's unfair or unreasonable but I have a job to do and that is to make sure that Lecsy is safe and happy. And I have no doubt that she will be perfectly safe and happy in your care. But that's what I'm worried about. When you aren't there what is she supposed to do. It's not like you're gone and the boys are still there to watch out for her. All five of you are gone. I'm sorry but. Just wait until you're older. Ok Lecs. Harry u know you're almost 20 and you want to get started on a family soon but Lecsy's only 17 right now. I'm very sorry but my final decision is no. I hope you can understand where I'm coming from

Lecsy. I understand. I respect your answer and thank you for telling us why you disapprove of us moving in together

Simon. Sweetheart. I don't disapprove. I'm all for it. I just don't want you to be home by yourself while he's on your and while he's recording. It's not a healthy lifestyle to be alone. At least if you are here you can go visit him. Heck. GO spend The week with him. I don't care. I just want to know that when he is gone you aren't alone and you are safe

Lecsy. I understand.

Harry. SO do I

Simon. Thank you for being so mature about this. BOTH OF YOU. It shows me that you two are serious about this and have given it some thought. I'm very proud of both of you

We went to my room so I could get ready for dinner tonight. Skye and Niall had wanted to go to a club. But I can't get in. So they decided on a nice restaurant instead. So I got dressed. I wore a black skin tight dress that came down to just below my bum. It had long sleeves but the neckline was off the shoulders and had a really deep V cut out. I put on my best strapless push up bra and picked out a diamond cuff bracelet and firey red heels. In the heels I was still shorter than Harry by two inches. I straightened my hair and pulled it back into a sleek ponytail then I put in earrings that matched my bracelet. I did subtle eye make up with bright red lips. I walked out of my closet and Harry's jaw dropped. He had one of his stupid silk collared shirts on and his black skinny jeans and black blazer. WHAT ELSE WOULD YOU expect from this child. OH WELL. I grabbed my coat and we left

We got to the restaurant and everyone was already there. We walked in and sat down. I was sitting beside Skye and Harry. Gaby was sitting across from me smiling like an idiot I looked at her

Lecsy. What's with you

Gaby. Absolutely nothing

Lecsy. Then why are you smiling

Niall. Cuz it's funny

Lecsy. What's funny

Liam. Guys. Enough

Lecsy. What's going on

Gaby. You should've left your hair down

Lecsy. Whwhy

Harry. Oh balls

Louis. Hickies for days

Lecsy. Fuck. I hate you all

Zayn. Love you to

Louis. You should see her neck without coverup


Eleanor. Louis leave her alone

Harry. Ya. It's not her fault

Skye. No Harry. It's yours

Lecsy. Exactly. So leave me alone

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