Just you and me

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Jack sat in the back of the class, just doodling on some paper. He was wearing a black hoodie, black ripped jeans and dark green Converse shoes with purple laces. He quickly slicked his dark green hair back, there was enough gel in it for seven days, it looked like there was a plastic layer over his hair.
"Just you and me, J + B 4ever B)" he wrote down and drew a heart around it.
"Oooohhh Jackie likes someone!" The boy next to him said, leaning over the piece of paper.
"Shut up, Dave." Jack mumbled calmly. Dave was Jack's twin brother, wearing exactly the same same but white pants, a blue hoodie and yellow Converse shoes with blue laces.
It was a miracle Jack and Dave were twins, They were identical yet Jack was much paler and well, he had green hair from his birth. Dave was more tanned and had black hair, and even though it seems impossible, he used even more hair products than Jack.
The two boys were always joking around in the back of the class but they both shared one big secret, they're both gay, hella.

"So who is it? Is it Britney?" Dave looked on a list. "Britney is pretty straight."
No one could know they were gay. That's why they were always looking for girls to hang around with for a while so people would think they're straight. Dave made a whole list of all the girls at school, which one looks the most straight to be with. Britney was number nine.
"Nah she's a nine... the B stands for Bruce." Jack said dreamily while leaning his head onto both his hands. "Bruce~ he's so handsome... he's like, the snack of the school... and he's so cool and funny and sweet and smart and muscled and—"
Jack shook his head a bit, escaping his daydream. He looked at Dave and nodded, sighing softly. "It's two k gay teen, why is our school still a bitchy straight place?"
"Because it's school."
Jack nodded.

"Just look at him, chewing on his pen. God I wish he chewed on my dick like that." Jack smiled, leaning on his hands again.
"You clearly have been daydreaming too much during biology, sex doesn't work like that."
"Sex between boys does."
"No.. no it doesn't."
"If you say so.."
a piece of paper landed in front of Jack. He looked at it and poked it. "Brother, we have received a foreign letter from one of the female humans in this room called a classroom..." Jack mumbled in a bad British accent. Dave chuckled,"quit the bullshit. What's on it?"
Jack shrugged and opened the note.
"Caught you staring ;) wanna go for milkshake after school? Love, Emily." Jack sighed. He took a red marker and drew a giant red cross on the piece of paper before folding it back up and handing it to the person in front of him. "To Emily." He whispered and before he knew the note was back where it came from.

There were only three girls that were off limit;
Harley, Harley was Bruce's younger sister. She was hot and she sure made the twin brothers question their sexuality but because of the huge crush Jack had on Bruce they decided to keep the Waynes off track.
Selina, Jack and Dave's older sister. Jack hated her because she was always flirting around with Bruce, wearing skirts that were way too short.
And as last, Emily. She wasn't a relative of anyone the twins knew, she just was super ugly. If there was anything that made them know for sure they were gay it'd be Emily, the poor girl.

Bruce looked at Emily and rubbed her back before standing up. Bruce was a kind, rich boy and was always wearing designer clothes but the ones that didn't show off they were insanely expensive. He just looked like he was wearing a casual black sweatshirt and acid washed skinny jeans. His hair was black and he didn't use any hair products, his hair was short at the top but trimmed two and a half inches short at the sides. Jack looked at him and his mouth fell open a bit, Bruce's legs were so masculine you could see his muscles through his skinny jeans, you could also see something else really good.

Jack suddenly felt a finger underneath his chin. His mouth closed and he looked up at Bruce.
"Why don't you stop staring into the distance and go apologize for being so rude huh?" Bruce said. His voice, Jack could only think about his voice. It was deep but not super deep, it was smooth and sounded so romantic even though he wasn't saying anything romantic.
"I am talking to you, Jack." He cleared his throat. Jack blinked a couple times.
"Bruce! He-hey-! Uh.. sorry what uh.. what were you saying?" Jack swallowed, not trying to look down at the other man's crotch.
"Why don't you go out with Emily? She's a really sweet girl."
"I-I uh.. I.."
"Well? What's wrong, cat got your tongue?"
"No I-I uh.."
"Listen, you go up to the girl right fucking now or I'll punch you in your face until you only see stars."
"Please D-Daddy be gentle-!" Jack widened his eyes and duck aside, just in time because Bruce's fist went just past his face.
"What did you call me?" Bruce said, leaning closer to Jack.
"U-uh I-.."

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