Still a Chance to be Together

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SONDAG. 19:30.

"WHAT?! YOU'RE TAKING NOORA TO LONDON?!!!!" Eskild yellet at William.

Yep, that was totally expected. Noora and William had totally expected yelling and shouting from their friends. Especially Noora's friends.

It was a refreshing summer evening in Oslo. Noora and William decided to throw a get-together at William's apartment rooftop. There was barbeque, a bar serving tropical drinks, and of course a dance floor with colorful lights around it.

It was all cool and fun until William told Christoffer that he and Noora would move to London this spring. Then Chris told Eva. Then Eva, of course, told their girl squad. Then the girl squad shared the news to Jonas and the boys. And lastly, Eskild overheard it from Isak who was telling Even. And so they all heard and freaked out.

"You have no right do to that, Willy!" Eskild complained to William.

"Jo, I do!" William defended himself. "She's my girlfriend and--"

"So what if she's your girlfriend? You can't just kidnap her like that!" this time, Eva meddled in.

"Yeah, you can't force her to go with you to London!" Vilde added.

"Herregud! Guys, guys, guys!" Noora interfered between them before the situation got more intense. "Hallu, no one is kidnapping me and no one is forcing me to do anything, okay?"

They all listened to Noora. William let out a relieve sigh.

"Okay, let me explain." William spoke again. "I didn't want to go at first, because it was complicated. But honestly I really wanted to go, it's my dream to go study law in London. Then Noora supported me, and I swear, I didn't force her or anything to come with me."

"Sant. I want to go with William. I mean, even if he go alone and I stay here, I don't think I'd be able to pull of long distance relationship or whatever it is," she looked at all her friends. "I love you guys, and I'm so grateful to have spent my high school years with you. But I also need to be with William. I can't just be a part from him when there's still a chance to be together."

Their friends were all still silent.

"Will you come back to Oslo again?" Linn asked, her voice was shaking from crying.

"Herregud, Linn, you're so cute. Of course I'd come back here! Who knew what kind of trouble you and Eskild would be getting if I don't come back here?!"

Linn laughed. Followed by all the other friends there.

"Ah, come on, guys! Just let these two lovebirds go already. We have a party to rock on!" Chris screamed out while topping up his bottle of beer.

"WOOHOO!!" everyone screamed as they all back enjoying the party.

MANDAG. 06:06.

Morning definitely has come. The sunlight lit up William's bedroom through the big windows. A cold summer breeze swept through the blanket and made Noora shivered. She curled up her legs and accidentally kicked William.

"Aw!" he grunted.

"Oops! Unnskyld!" she said slowly.

William didn't say anything again. He was deep in his sleep again. Noora chuckled looking at her boyfriend fell asleep so easily. She planted some kissed to William's bare back and ready to put on some clothes, as she herself was naked, only covered by a duvet.

Knock, knock! Someone knocked on the door. William woke up again hearing the loud knocking sound.

"Hvem er det?" he asked while grunting. But didn't move from his position. Still

It was Eva. She opened the door and put her head in while closing her eyes. "Um... Noora? Can I open my eyes?"

"Hei, Eva. Yes, come in, we were just waking up."

"Okay." Eva walked in, closed the door behind her, and opened her eyes. As soon as they were open, Eva's mouth was widely open too. "Wow!"


Eva pointed at something. Noora followed it and was surprised to see the sight before her eyes. William's bare butt was fully shown to Eva! His blanket was so messed up it didn't cover his butt.

"Herregud! William!" Noora quickly covered his butt with a pillow. "Sorry, Eva!"

"Nah, it's fine!" Eva answered. "It's fine... it's really fine!" but her eyes were clearly still focused on William's body.

"Eva!" Noora snapped her finger.

"Yes! Sorry! Um, sorry, Noora!" Eva quickly moved her eyes to Noora. "I was just... um, Vilde, Sana, and Chris are cooking for breakfast. You want something?"

Noora just remembered that all of their friends were still here. They were all so drunk at the party last night so William allowed them to spend the night here.

"Anything is fine. William, you want some breakfast?" she turned to William who was still lying on the bed.

William turned his body and quickly grabbed Noora into his arms. He took her by surprise. He planted a kiss attack to her girlfriend's face, making Noora laughed helplessly.

"Oh, wow! Now, I definitely need to cover my eyes!" Eva said while she got out of the room before she saw anything she'd regret.

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