chapter twenty-four

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"Jenson," Harry groaned as I held up two dresses for him to pick from. He was sitting on the edge of my bed as I picked outfits to pack and he was not happy I kept distracting him from whatever TV show he was watching on my iPad. 

"C'mon Harry," I begged. He sighed and flicked his eyes between the green dress and the navy blue one. 

"The green one," he said. I frowned and looked between the two. I liked my green dress, but green really wasn't my color. I gave the navy blue one a little shake and held it a centimeter higher and he widened his eyes a bit. "The navy one, I mean?" 

I grinned, "I like this one better too." 

We went on like this for a while longer with different articles of clothing. I knew Harry was getting bored, but his opinion meant a lot to me. After we finished our nature walk, we'd decided to come back to my dorm and let me pack for home tomorrow. Harry was still quite pissed that the apartment was trashed but the walk put him in a better mood, so I very happily invited him. 

The next day was Friday, and we would leave for my hometown early in the morning by train. Collette was generous enough to give me the whole weekend off of work and my project with Michael was already turned in, so I was allowed to enjoy my mini vacation without worrying about anything at all. Harry even managed to get off work to come with me.

"As soon as I name-dropped you, Barb agreed so fast. I've known her for years, but somehow she likes you more than me," he said when I asked about his shifts at Romeo's.

"What can I say?" I replied. "I'm just a very likeable person." I shrugged and winked at him.

"So what exactly is going to happen this weekend?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You know, what should I expect? I mean, I am meeting your parents for the first time," Harry said while he picked at a loose string on his shirt.

"Well I don't know. They're really laid back, for the most part. You don't have anything to worry about." I added the last part because I could tell that Harry was probably trying to hide how nervous he was.

Harry smiled a small smile. "I'm not worried, this is just new to me. I don't usually meet girls' parents." He didn't add any more, but I knew what he meant. Usually, he messed around with a girl for a day, hardly ever longer, so he never really got around to the whole meeting the 'rents thing. I sat down on my bed beside him and leaned in close.

"Seriously, it'll be fine. My parents, my brothers, everybody will love you," I assured him with a kiss.


The next morning, before the sun was even up Harry arrived at my dorm with his bag packed and a smile on his face. He called me whenever he left his flat to make sure I was awake even though I'd been up since 4:30 A.M. Our train wasn't leaving until 7:45, but I told Harry we had to be early, because there was no way we could miss this train.

"We're early, Jen, stop fucking fidgeting. You're making me even more nervous than I already am," Harry frowned, shooting a hand off of the steering wheel and onto my shaking thigh. My leg stilled and I shot him an sheepish smile. 


Harry sighed and focused on finding a good spot to leave his "baby" for the weekend. I didn't even understand why he loved the car so much, it wasn't anything special. It was just black and shiny (because he was constantly cleaning it). Finally, after about ten minutes of roaming, Harry settled on a spot in a parking deck. 

After we paid for our tickets and and boarded the train, Harry and I put away our things in the overhead compartments and walked to the cafe car for breakfast. I went for the classic bagel, while Harry had his eyes set on pancakes.

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