Part 13: Temporary release

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Kellin's POV:
The minute I landed my ass in this place, my friends and family had promised that they would be coming to visit me. They've all said that they would come at least once a month and I have talked with at least someone from home every single day over phone.

When talking to my mom yesterday she told me that today she is coming to visit me, and for some reason I'm feeling all nervous about it. I hadn't expected o feel nervous about it, considering she is my mom. I was nervous when I had to let my parents and my friends know about me going to prison. But now I am already here, so I don't even understand it myself, what I have to be ashamed off.

My friends and family have all shown me support during this time, especially my mom. My mom has always been my best friend as well as my sister, so having their support has meant soo much to me. And the reason behind my nervousness is probably the fact that the last time my mom was here, I didn't mention the fact that Vic is my boyfriend.

I can't even remember if I told her about Vic at all. But I know for sure that I hadn't mentioned anything about us dating or what I should call it.

Walking out to the visiting room, I try my best to hold my shit together but just like many times before when I've tried to do so, I fail miserably. As soon as I see my mom I feel myself slipping back to childhood memories as I start to tear up.

I rush up to her, throwing my arms around her in a well needed hug. She holds me so close to her that it makes me start crying before we've even sat down by the table as one of the guards in here tells us that we're not actually allowed any physical contact.

My mom and I sit down at each side of the table, in front of each other and both lay our hands down on the table, ignoring the no physical conact rule as we hold hands.

"I miss you so much while in here mom.." I whisper, wiping away some tears. I must try desperately to take deep breaths in order to talk somewhat normally.

"I miss you too darling. How is it in here? I mean, you look just like usual, and I was scared you'd come out here beaten and bruised. Are you okay in here?"

"Mom, you don't have to worry about me getting a beating, I promise. There was a guy who didn't really like me at first, but he's leaving me alone now thanks to Vic," I say, feeling myself instanly smile at the mention of Vic's name, which doesn't goes by unnoticed by my mom. I swear if I didn't know the truth I'd think she's a professional detective or something.

"And who is this Vic?"

"My roommate.." I say, silently reminding myself that I am over twenty years old and I'm not a teenager being shamed by my mom for sneaking out with some boy.


"Well, we've gotten to know each other and I guess we call each other, boyfriend.." I mutter, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"Awe honey.. You know, I don't know this Vic. And I don't know what he's in for. Neither do I know how good of an idea it is to start dating your roommate here in prison. But I trust that you'll make good decisions.."

I turn my head to look up at her, surprised at how fine she seems to be about the situation. Because I could most definitely understand if she wouldn't be fine with it.

But that's such a wonderful thing about my mom. She's never been judgmental of me, and telling me too much what to do. Just like now she has ever since I was a teenager, trusted me and my decisions, resonating that I will simply have to make mistakes.

And I've made my mistakes, and ended up in bad situations sometimes, but I've always been able to handle them. And the fact that my mom's never been judgmental of me, has made me trust her wih everything, something that probably wouldn't be otherwise.

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