Chapter Three: Head Girl, Head Boy

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Chapter Three: Head Girl, Head Boy

(Lily's POV)

On Wednesday morning, Lily woke up early. This is it, she thought. She couldn't believe it: it was finally September 1st, and today she was beginning her final year at Hogwarts!

Lily yawned and stretched, then got up, showered quickly, and got dressed. She shuffled through her trunk and checked over her packing list, making sure everything was ready for the journey. (She always got nervous about being prepared.) Then she quietly went downstairs.

The rest of her family, surprisingly, was already seated at the breakfast table.

"Lily, darling! Good morning!" Her mother smiled at her.

"Good morning, Mum," replied Lily. Then she gasped as she glanced at the table. "Oh, Mum!" Not an inch of the table was visible, as it was covered in plates of pancakes, bacon, eggs, and cereal.

(A/N: I'm American; what do British people even eat for breakfast? Is that right? Whatever.)

Her mother smiled again. "I wanted to give you a nice homemade breakfast before you leave."

"Thank you so much," Lily replied, hugging her mother quickly before grabbing a plate and filling it with food.

After breakfast, Lily went back upstairs to grab her trunk, then carried it carefully down the stairs.

"Ready?" her mother asked. Lily nodded. Suddenly, Petunia entered the room. The two sisters met each other's eyes, and Petunia glared coldly.

"Bye, Tuney," Lily said stiffly. Petunia was silent. Then she turned away and left the room without a word.

Lily felt her eyes fill with tears, but she blinked them away. She gave her mother one last hug, promising to write, and then hurried out into the garden, where she Disapparated.

When Lily reappeared, she was in King's Cross Station. The tears were streaming down her face now, and she shuddered with each breath, but she wiped her eyes and set off, hoping she wouldn't make a fool of herself in front of everyone at Hogwarts. At least it was her last year.

Lily checked her watch: it read 10:45. Perfect; she was right on time. She walked briskly, trying to ignore the pit in her stomach, until she reached the barrier that read 9 ¾, then stepped through. The sight of the scarlet train made her heart beat faster; she was anxious to get back to her favorite place in the world. But then a thought popped into her head. This is my last time getting on the Hogwarts Express. She shook her head. That was terrifying.

Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder. It was Alice. "Hey, Lil! How are you?"

"Fine, how are you? Haven't seen you in ages," Lily joked, but her heart just wasn't in the right place after the incident between her and Petunia.

Alice laughed, but then hesitated. "Are you okay? Your eyes look red. Have you been crying?" Alice put her hand on Lily's shoulder.

"Actually... something did happen. I'll tell you later... I promise." Lily took a deep breath. "I have to go talk to the prefects since I'm Head Girl now, so I'll see you in a bit, okay?" Alice nodded, still looking worried for her friend, before boarding the train.

Lily walked around for a minute, looking around at all of the familiar faces and deciding whether or not to board yet. She didn't want to be too early to the prefect's meeting, but where would she go otherwise?

As she looked around, Lily spotted a familiar person in the crowd that she had been wanting to speak to, and she sped over to him. "Remus!" she called, and the boy turned around.

"Hey, Lily! Oh, we're hugging now? Okay." Lily had held out her arms for an embrace, and Remus Lupin accepted it.

Remus Lupin was an integral part of James Potter's group of friends, along with Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew. But Lily could somehow stand Remus, unlike the other Marauders. Potter, Black, and Lupin were all incredibly intelligent, but Remus was the best in school out of them all. He worked the hardest, cared about his classes and homework, and his school life didn't seem to completely revolve around pranks and skipping class, as was the case for the other boys. And, of course, Remus had been appointed Gryffindor prefect in his 5th year, along with Lily. Therefore, Lily had a certain respect for him, and they even spent time together occasionally when working on their studies. Over the past year, they had become friends, and Lily was glad to see him again.

"How was your summer?" Remus asked politely as they broke apart.

"It was fine. Yours?"

"Mine was fine as well." Remus smiled at her.

"Remus... I have to ask you..."


Lily gestured to her Head Girl badge. "You must be Head Boy, aren't you?!" she exclaimed happily. Unfortunately, Remus looked down in disappointment and bit his lip.

"Actually, Lily... I'm not."

"WHAT?!" Lily yelped, a little too loudly. Some of the students nearby looked over at them. Lily lowered her voice. "But... we're both Gryffindors. And we've both been prefects. And we've worked so well together!" Lily felt her spirits tank slightly. She had been looking forward to spending time with Remus all year. "Do you know who it is, then?" she added hopefully.

Remus scratched the back of his neck. "...I do," he said slowly.


Remus just sighed and shook his head. "I really can't tell you."

"What house is he in?"

"Lily, I'm sorry. I can't tell you. I think you'll just have to find out for yourself." He smiled weakly.

"What?! Remus, I need to know! Tell me!" But the boy had already begun walking away.

"Sorry, Lily! Good luck!" he shouted as he waved to her. Lily groaned in frustration. Why wouldn't he tell her? And why would he wish her luck if he knew who it was? That must mean it's someone horrible, she thought to herself. But who?

Lily was suddenly filled with curiosity. She wanted to know who it was desperately. But finding out meant she would know which terrible person she'd have to spend all year with. There was only one way to find out. Lily climbed onto the train, which was showing signs that it would be leaving shortly. She made her way to the front of the train, where she knew there was an empty room designed for the prefect meetings before each journey. But as she neared the glass door, she stopped dead in her tracks. Inside the room, facing the window, was a tall boy with untidy black hair and glasses. And as he turned around to look at her, Lily spotted a Head Boy badge on his chest.

"No," she whispered to herself, wanting to scream.

James Potter was Head Boy.

(A/N: That was kind of a short chapter. Sorry! I know the last two were fillers and not very exciting. I'm trying to make this as much like a regular book as I can. Of course there'll be Jily coming up soon, I'm working on it. :) I have some great ideas but I'm bad at thinking of what to put in between. Anyway, thanks for reading! - Maggie)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2018 ⏰

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